28. Abby & Jordan

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"Ugh! It's been a week since I've seen Jordan." I whine.

"Will you stop complaining. He comes back today." Alyssa rolls her eyes.

Alyssa, Jake, and I are laying down on my bed, watching TV. Well, they're listening to me whine about how much I miss Jordan. We called each other whenever we weren't texting each other, but that wasn't enough. I need to see him. Touch him. God, I sound desperate.

"Yeah, late tonight. I'll probably be asleep by then." I sigh.

"Then you'll see him tomorrow." Alyssa says.

"This break was not long enough. I don't want to go back to school." I complain.

"Are you on your period?" Jake asks.

My cheeks turn red, "How did you know?"

"You're complaining about everything. Honestly, I can't deal. I'm going to Daniel's house." Jake stands up and leaves out the room.

"What's wrong with him?" Alyssa asks.

"His parents. He's been on edge lately because of them. They're constantly nagging at him and I guess my complaining didn't help too much." I tell her.

"Should we go check on him?" She asks.

"No. He needs to be around another guy right now." I say.

"I think I'm going to head out myself. I need to rest up for tomorrow. Tomorrow starts our first official day of practice." She squeals excited.

I laugh, "I'm kind of excited. I would be really excited if Virginia and Carmen weren't on the team. She's probably going to try and throw a ball at my head."

"And if she does, I'm going to get a bat and pretend her head is the softball." She smiles.

I laugh at her before hugging her and letting her leave. I lay down on my bed, feeling a little tired. I just need to stay up a little longer. I want to see Jordan tonight, but that means I can't fall asleep. About ten minutes later, my eyes start to feel heavy. My head starts to fall and I'm struggling to stay awake. Maybe I should go downstairs and get some coffee. No, I'll be up all night. I turn the TV up and focus on it, but it doesn't help. I'll just rest my eyes for a few seconds. I close them and a few seconds turn into a few minutes and before I know it, I'm asleep.


I awake to tapping on my balcony door. I look at the time on my night stand. It's two in the morning. If this is Jake, I'm going to kill him.

I groan while getting out of the bed. I trip over a pair of shoes and almost fall, but I catch myself. I'm really sleepy. I open the doors to my balcony door with my eyes closed.

I hear a little chuckle, "Are you sleep walking, Midget?"

My eyes open rapidly and the sleep has left my body. My hands fly around Jordan's neck and he laughs at me. Jordan is a lot more important than sleep to me right now. He drags me into my room while I still have my arms wrapped around his neck.

I pull away from him. "I missed you." I smile.

He smiles, "I missed you more. I'm sorry for waking you. I was going to wait until school to come see you, but I couldn't sleep. I really wanted to see you."

My heart warms at the thought of how much he missed me. I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back. We make up for all the time we couldn't kiss each other from this past week. We lay down on my bed together and I listen to Jordan's heart beat.

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