35. Jordan

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing on the night stand. What time is it? I move Abby gently off of me and grab my phone, looking at the time. One twenty-six in the morning. I look at the caller ID on my phone to see it's Troy.

"Hello." I answer, not fully awake.

"Come to the party!" He yells through the phone. I can hear loud music playing in the background.

"No. I told you I was staying in tonight." I tell him.

"Yeah, because you were finishing up the bet. Now come celebrate. You did sleep with her, right?" He asks.

I look back at Abby, who's still asleep before getting up off the bed and leaving the room. Having sex with Abby had to be the best experience of my life, but I couldn't even enjoy it like I wanted to because of the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me how wrong I am. I know I should have told her, but the thought of her leaving me made me back out of telling her.

"Yeah, I did." I say.

"Well, come to the party and celebrate your win. Reminds me, I have your money with me." He says.

"Are you around people right now?" I ask.

"Duh. I'm at a party dumb ass." He laughs.

"Well stop talking about the bet, dumb ass. I don't need people finding out about it and it getting back to Abby." I fuss at him.

"Calm your tits. No one heard me. Just come to the party." He says.

"How am I supposed to get there?" I ask.

"Call a cab. I expect you to be here in about thirty minutes. I have to go. It's my turn to do body shots." He hangs up the phone and I shake my head.

I go back inside the room and get dressed quickly. I smile at how beautiful and peaceful Abby looks asleep. I honestly don't deserve her, but I'm glad she's mine. I put my phone and wallet in my back pocket before making my way downstairs and leaving.


The party is packed like I knew it would be. You would think people would have started leaving by now, but this is when it gets fun. All the people who can't hang leave early and the people who really know how to party stay late.

I walk around the room, looking for Troy. I spot him a few seconds later, shirtless. A girl is doing a shot off his body and everyone around them is cheering him and her on. I can't believe I used to be into stuff like this. I make my way over to them and when he sees me, he gets up off the table.

"Jordan, my man." He stumbles.

He's drunk. Of course he is. He looks around for his shirt before grabbing it away from some dude. He throws the shirt on before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving me a drunk smile.

"I'm glad you're here. Have a drink with your best bud." He says.

I want to protest, but that won't get far with Troy. He doesn't know how to take no for an answer. We go into the kitchen where I spot Daniel, Jake, Ryan, and some other guys. I go over to them and Troy tosses me a beer from the cooler.

"What's up? You guys not tired of partying yet?" I ask.

They left around seven something so I'm sure they're tired of looking at drunk people. Jake yawns and I can tell he's ready to leave.

"I actually think I'm going to get going." Jake says.

"Where's Alyssa?" I ask.

"Somewhere dancing." Daniel takes a drink of his beer like the answer is obvious.

A Jock, A Nerd, and A BetWhere stories live. Discover now