12. Abby & Jordan

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"What does the word elucidate mean?" I ask Jake. We're both sitting on my bed studying for our vocabulary test that we have tomorrow.

"Um, to make something easy to understand." He says. I nod my head and hand him the flash card.

We're playing a game to see who can guess the most words right. We'll either tie up at the end or one of us will win. It depends on who has the most flash cards at the end of the game.

"What does the word ruminate mean?" He asks me. I don't even have to think on this one.

"To think carefully and deeply about something." I smile. He rolls his eyes and hands me the flash card.

"I told Alyssa we would be over here studying today in case she wanted to come over, but she said she had something to do. She never turns us down." I tell him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. She had to babysit Naomi today." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Who's Naomi and since when did she start babysitting?" I ask.

"Daniel's little sister. Daniel is looking for a job so he asked Alyssa if she could watch Naomi for a while." He tells me.

I nod my head. "What does commiserate mean?" I ask him.

He thinks about it. "Dang, I know, I know this one. Doesn't it mean to express sadness or sympathy for someone?" He asks me.

I nod my head and laugh. "Yeah, it does. I don't think you get the card because you had to ask me if you were right or not." I smirk.

He snatches the card from me. "Whatever and can I stay over tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure, but why? I thought your parents weren't taking any more out of town trips?" I ask him.

He lets out a humorless laugh. "You should have known that was a lie just like I knew it was a lie. You know work is all they can think about." He says.

"I'm sorry, Jake. I wish there was something that I could do." I say.

"I don't need you to commiserate me. Did I even use that word right?" He smiles.

I laugh. "Yeah, you did." I smile. There's a long silence between us and I debate on whether or not to ask him what another word means.

"I've always wanted another sibling, ya know? So I won't be at home alone." He says.

"Why don't you just tell your parents that?" I ask. A long time ago, Jake's house got robbed and he was the only one home. He didn't get hurt or anything, but it still scared him, so that's why he stays at my house.

"Do you think my mom actually wants to have another child. I doubt my parents even have sex anymore. Work is their only turn on." He says.

I cringe. "Okay, can we please not talk about whether or not your parents are having sex." I gag.

He laughs at me. "Sorry, but I really want another sibling. Maybe, they'll adopt a kid for me. I'll take care of him or her. I just really hate being the only child." He frowns.

I place my hand on his shoulder. "You should propose the idea to them. I'm sure they will agree with you." I give him a small smile.

"Maybe. You want to grab a bite to eat? Go to the mall or something. I don't want to sit here anymore and study." He says.

I pinch him. "We need to study. Especially you. I saw your last test grade and I refuse to let you repeat senior year." I say.

"We'll study more when we get back and I'm sure you already know the test. You're the smartest person in our grade." He smirks.

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