Chapter One

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First, let me introduce myself. I'm Bailey. You might know me from my vine account, Bailey and Summer but you might also know me for being famous. Don't let the title confuse you though. I'm not exactly famous...yet. I'm getting there but it's tough. Trying to balance out my career, family drama, boy drama, school, and still have a social life isn't really easy. I'd like to think nothing will go wrong and I can just focus on my career but I know it's bound to happen at some point.

But enough about my life right now, you'll hear plenty of that later. Right now I bet you're wondering how I got to this point in my life. Well, it all started with vine.

Two years ago my best friend, Summer, and I started a vine account after learning about the MagCon boys and we made it out goal to join MagCon to meet them. We never thought it would actually happen because who would want to watch little middle schoolers trying to get famous? But fortunately, they did. After about a year of vining we finally got the call we were waiting for. Bart called us wanting to know if we wanted to join and of course we wanted to say yes but our parents were a little skeptical. After begging them constantly, they finally agreed. This was probably the best day of our lives because it turned our lives upside down and tossed us into a world that we've always dreamed of. We didn't realize at the time that this would come with a cost but it didn't really matter because we finally got what we'd been dreaming of for years. Now comes the interesting part, actually going to MagCon.

By now we were freshman in high school and vine famous, living the life. People at school soon found out that we were vine famous and started to act fake around us. Thankfully we knew who they really were and we never really befriended them. I know this sounds like the fame got to our heads but we honestly still couldn't believe people actually knew who we were. We felt like every day we were having the same dream over and over again and that we'd soon wake up. But we didn't and it was wonderful.

Once we went to our first MagCon show, we kind of instantly fell in love with Cam and Nash. Thank god they liked us too. After that our lives changed forever. We never had a second of downtime because we were too busy with MagCon shows, Digi Tour, Coachella, producing music while still keep up on Vine, and more recently, winning six Grammys!

We couldn't ask for a better life and we're so happy to have the opportunities we have today.


Sorry about the short chapter. I didn't know what else to write. I promise the other chapters will be longer.

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