Chapter Three

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"How would you like to star in a T.V. show?" Andy asked."

"A T.V. show? What kind?" I asked.

"A reality show."

"Like Keeping up with the Kardashians?"

"Yeah sure." By then I already had an answer but I needed more information first.

"Well I'd love to but who's going to even produce this show? And you know Sum's gotta star in it too right?"

"Oh yeah, I'm from the E Network and I know. If you two could come down to LA as soon as possible we could discuss the details. There's too much information to do it over the phone."

"Okay. We'll be down next Sunday."

"Is it possible you could come any sooner?"

"Umm not really. We have things to do here in Ohio first. Maybe if we rush we could be there buy Saturday but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high."

"That's fine, I understand. I'll plan on seeing you next week then."

"Okay. Thanks Andy. Bye."

"What the hell was that about?" Summer asked. I forgot I didn't actually tell her what was going on yet.

"Andy from E wants us to star in a reality show!" I answered excitedly.

"Omg for real? We'll be like the new Kardashians but without all the plastic surgery."

"I know right! It's gonna be so cool! He wants us to come to LA by like Saturday or Sunday to discuss everything."

"Don't we have a lot to do this week though?"

"Yeah. I told him we did but I guess we can do some stuff in the plane. We won't stay in LA for long."

"Okay. That sounds good. I can't wait."


"So what's the plan for today?" Summer asked me.

"We gotta go get supplies for Nikki's party and then we have to get food, and invite everyone and then buy pool passes if they don't have any." I replied.

"Where are we gonna get everything? We only have a couple hours before the meet and greet."

"We'll go to Party City and then to Walmart to get everything else. We can do the online stuff on our way to the meet and greet."

I know what you're thinking, it's our meet and greet. But that isn't the case. See, there's this girl at our school who looks like Tyler Oakley and her and her friends are having a meet and greet at The Greene today and we just had to get a picture with her. So that's where we're going.

"Okay fine but I don't wanna be late."

"There won't even be anyone there except the few people who live in Ohio."

"Yeah I guess so. You better be right."

"If I'm not you can hack my Twitter account."

*****PARTY CITY*****

"Ooh, we should get big balloons that spell out WELCOME HOME." Summer suggested.

"Okay sure. We should get water balloons too and cool floaties."

"Like a donut and pizza floatie."

"We have to get those flamingo things too."

"Omg yes."


"Okay so we need chips, candy, popsicles, pop, and water. Is that it?" I asked Summer.

"Yeah, I think so. Where are we gonna order pizza from?" She asked.

"Dominoes prolly."

"Okay good because it's the best."

"Yeah. This place brings back so many memories."

"I know right. I'm surprised the staff didn't ban us after all the vines we took here."

"I guess they're used to it by now."

"Most likely."

*****MEET AND GREET*****

"DANI!" I yelled as soon as Issa her standin there. (Dani is the Tyler Oakley look alike.)

"Omg are you Bailey and Summer?" She asked surprisingly.

"Yeah. That's us you know we go to school together right?" Summer asked.

"Anyone would be dumb if they knew you didn't go to Northmont." Said Dani.

"Yeah true. Hey can we get a picture with you? I wanna tweet Tyler and tell him I bet his Queen" I said.

"Of course. What pose should we do?" Asked Dani.

"A normal smiling one and a squad one." I suggested

"Okay cool. I wanna make a vine with you guys too."

"Okay cool." After we took the pictures and talked a little bit I asked, "We're having a pool party for our friend tomorrow and I think you'll like her. Do you wanna come?"

"I was planning on watching Netflix but okay. I guess my pale skin needs some sun. I'm in."

"Great, see you tomorrow. Thanks again for he pictures," said Summer.

"No problem. Byee."


"Okay so who do we invite?" I asked.

"Nicole's friends of course but do we invite our friends too?" Summer asked.

"Yeah I guess so. It'll make the party look hype so we can post Instagram pictures."

"Yeah, Nicole doesn't actually have to talk to them. Should we invite the popular people from school too?"

"Yeah so we can all rub it in their faces that they're not friends with us."

"Wouldn't it be better if we only invited a few of them? So the others would get jealous?"

"Omg yeah. That'd be way better. So how many extra passes should we get for the people who don't have one?"

"I don't know. Just post something on Instagram real quick and block Nicole so she can't see anything."

"Okay good idea."

We're hosting a "coming home" party for our friend Nicole and we're inviting everyone from Northmont's class of 2019. If you were her friend or if you don't go to our school and would like to come, please DM one of us on Instagram and talk to us about it. We will have a sheet of people invited so don't try to come if you're not invited. We only have a certain number of spots available so RSVP by using the hashtag #RSVPNICOLEPOOLPARTY. And just a note, if you're hoping this is a meet and greet, it isn't and we won't be signing anything. If you want to get s picture or two, come to help set up an hour before she gets there. And remember, THIS IS A SURPRISE. DONT TELL NICOLE ANYTHING.

"Okay it's posted." Before I could even finish my sentence, my notifications blew up. So many people were DMing me and Summer. It took an hour but we eventually answered them all. We only let a few people join who weren't from Northmont because we only have a limited space.

"I can't finish this right now. I'm too tired," said Summer.

"I know, same. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Night."

"Night." I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the screeching of cars with doors opening and closing. After that, everything went silent. I looked outside my window to be blinded by light. "Shit."


I really like how it's going so far and sorry about how bad the four pictures are. I just wanted you to get the feel of the chapter. The picture on the top left is like the picture for our reality show but I'm most likely gonna change that. I know it looks bad but I just needed something to put on cheer at the moment.

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