Chapter Four

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(I said Tuesday because it's technically the next day because it's like 1:30am)

"Why the hell are they here?" Summer asked.

"I don't know but I don't think they plan on leaving until we say something." I said as I stood up.

"Good. Because I've got a few things to say to them."

"Sum we have to be careful or we'll be all over the news."

"Okay good point. What should we say?"

"I don't know. I guess we'll wing it."

"At least I'm used to doing it."

As soon as I opened my front door the silence ended I was blinded with paparazzi cameras and there were so many questions.

"Is it true you're moving to LA?"
"We saw Nash on a date with a mystery girl yesterday, how do you feel about it."
"Are you going on tour soon?"
"Did you and Cam real break up? Did you find somebody new?"

"Could you all please quit talking for a second? Like damn," said Summer. "Why are you here, outside of Bai's house at 1:30 in the morning?"

"There are so many rumors going around and we need to know the details. It's for the fans," said one paparazzi members.

"You're all sick. No one in their right mind would ever come to someone's house early in the morning just to get us to say something we don't want to and tell us lies. So please leave before I call the police," Summer responded.

"Okay fine but at least answer one question," said a new reporter.

"What?" I asked as Sum and I stepped inside.

"Are you and Cam really broken up?"

"Fuck off," we said as we slammed the door. The paparazzi eventually left but not until they knocked on my door a couple more times to see if we'd still come out.

I couldn't sleep that night. Was it true? Did they really see Nash with someone else yesterday? I mean, I know they always lie but their lies are based on some truth. I know I shouldn't take it seriously but I just got a bad vibe that something was actually going on. I'd tell Sum but she's already asleep. I guess I'll tell her in the morning.

*****IN THE MORNING*****

"What time is it?" I asked as I yawned.

"3:30," Summer responded.

"Damn. We slept a long time. ."

"I know right? It's my new personal best. Do we have anything else to do today for Nicole's party?"

"I wanna go get cool pool floaties and then the food. We should also see if anyone else RSVP'd."

"We'll do that later. Let's go get the stuff first."

"Okay whatever." By the time we got ready, ate something, and got everything else, it was 7:00. As soon as we got back hope we went straight to my room and jumped on my bed. We still have a few hours to kill before the party starts. "Did you get anymore RSVPs?"

"Only a few. Did you call Nash and see if everyone's coming?"


"Well are you going to?"

"You can."

"Did he do something? Because whenever I mention him you change the subject."

"Okay so you know how the paparazzi kept shouting out things last night?"

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