Chapter Five

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(Just in case you didn't read chapter four or forgot, Bai and Sum are at a pool party and Sum and Cam just found out Nash really was cheating on Bai..

"Shit," Cam said once he saw the picture.

"What should we do?" I asked Cam but he didn't answer. He just stood there staring at the screen. "Cam?"

"Babe I don't know. I never thought he'd do something like this."

"Well we have to tell her."

"We can't do that. It'll break her heart."

"Cam, if she doesn't hear it from us, she's gonna find out eventually. It'll hurt her even more if we don't tell her now."

"Okay fine. You can tell her, she trusts you."

"Okay. I'll be back. I'll text you when I'm done."

"Okay," said Cam as I walked off. I don't know where her and Nash went but I soon figured out where. I just followed the screaming coming from outside the building.

Once I got to the parking lot I could see Bailey standing in the middle of the parking lot and had tears streaming down her face. Nash was nowhere to be seen. I'm too late.


"Nash," I said unsure if I should ask what's been in my mind for the past twent-four hours.

"Yeah babe?" He asked. I loved when he called me that.

"Well...oh nothing."

"What were you gonna ask?"

"Well the thing is, last night, the paparazzi came to my house and they said something about you cheating on me. That isn't true, right?"

"Babe, of course not," he replied. See, I'd believe him but I just got a bad feeling about his answer.

"Are you sure?" I asked. But before I could even finish the sentence I got a text message from an unknown number with a picture attached that said "he's lying."



"What the fuck is this?"

"Oh come on babe. It was just a fan. You know how the paparazzi is. They do anything to try to ruin people's lives."

But just as he was saying that I got another text from the same person with another picture of them kissing.

"Oh so you just kiss your fans all the time then, right?" I asked him showing my phone.

"Who sent you that?"

"That doesn't matter. Who the hell is she."

"Well um..."

"Answer me," I said angrily this time.

"It meant nothing. It was just in the moment."

"Oh okay so you just kissed her 'in the moment' for weeks now, right?"

"It was one time."

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