Chapter Two

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"Can you believe it's been two years?" I asked Summer as I was laying on my bed.

"I know. It seems like just yesterday that we started Vine," she answered. She was leaning against my panda stuffed animal on the floor. Some things just don't change.

"It doesn't even seem real. I feel like I'm in a dream just waiting to be woken up. You know what I mean?" I asked as I sat up.

"Yeah. Trust me, I know. Hey, are you gonna do the radio interview with me tomorrow with Ryan Seacrest?"

"Sorry, can't."

"Why not?"

"We're going to Cleveland, remember? For that Asian thingy."

"Oh yeah. What even is it though? Like an Asian convention? Is it like a big family reunion?"

"...yeah. Pretty much actually."

"Can't you just miss one year?"

"No. Our friends from New York come all the way down to see us and this is our only chance to see them."

"Well aren't you popular."

"Not yet."


"Hey Summer, it's nice to see you again," said Ryan.

"Nice to see you too," I said.

"So tell me, when should we expect to see and EP?"

"Soon. We've been in the studio nonstop trying to make this EP the best we possibly can."

"Is there anything you could tell us about the EP?"

"I can't give any information out about it yet but I can tell you that there are four songs on it and we're proud of every single one."

"Could I ask if Lottery Ticketd is on it?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"Fair enough. So I've been hearing a few rumors lately about you and Cameron breaking up, is that true?"

"Where'd you year that from?"

"It's trending on Twitter. Is that true?"

"What? No! We're still together. sorry to disappoint anyone."

"But there hasn't been a picture of you two together for three months."

"Well Bai and I had to catch up on school work and we weren't allowed to go anywhere until we got caught up. But it's summer now and we're excited to be going to LA for the summer."

"Oh, so you're going to LA for the summer?"

"Oops. I guess it's not a secret anymore."

"Tell me more about it. I'm sure everyone would like to know."

"Well I don't want to give too much more away but Bai and I are going to LA for a lot of events this summer so we just figured we'd move down there for a couple months. Nothing permenant."

"Ah. I see. So what types of things will you be doing?"

"Come on Ryan, I can't give everything away."

"I understand. So tell me again, for people who are just tuning in, why Bailey isn't here today."

"Oh. She had to go to Cleveland for her Asian convention."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"She goes to the zoo every year for this European Adoption thing but it's the only time she gets to see her friend from New York."

"That's nice. So what's up with her lately?"

"Nothing much. Except for a project we're working on."

"Could you possibly tell us what it is?"

"I would if I could but I'm sure you'll be hearing about it very soon. We're super excited about it."

"I can't wait. Well thank you, Summer, for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us today."

"No problem. You know if do anything for you, Ryan."

"Well I'll let you go. You probably have to start packing. I'll talk to you soon."

"Thank you, bye."


Bailey won't be back until tomorrow so I'm stuck here packing by myself. I decided to get on Twitter to see what all of these rumors were about.

"@CameronDallas finally broke up with @FYISummer, it's about time."

"So glad @CameronDallas and @FYISummer aren't dating anymore."


And the list goes on and on. I don't really get effected by these things anymore, I'm used to it. There's always some kind of rumor going around about me or Bai. But I decided to text Cam about it anyways. (S is Summer, C is Cam.)

S: Aye. Have you seen the rumors?
C: Yeah, where'd that even come from?
S: Idek. I just found out today.
C: It's whatever. I miss you ):
S: Miss you too. I'll see you soon (:
C: Okay. Love you
S: Love you too. Bye


"Did you look at Twitter??" I asked as soon as I got to Summer's house.

"Yeah," she said flatly.


"I don't care. I know it's not true."

"Okay good. So, did you miss me?" I said jokingly.

"Obviously. I just packed all day by myself. It was so boring."

"I'm glad I'm so loved. So how's the interview go? I was gonna listen in but I was still at the zoo."

"It was fine. Nothing special about it. But I may or may not have said we're moving to LA this summer...oops."

"Did you say why??"

"No, of course not. It just slipped out that we're going to LA."

"Oh. That's fine then. They were gonna figure it out eventually. So how's the packing going?"

"Good I guess. I hate that as soon as we move in, I have to pack up again to go to LA. Autumn's trying to convince my mom that she can get the bigger room since I won't be there for three months."

"Do you think she'll give it to her?"

"Nah, my mom knows I'm coming back."

"That's good. Hold on, I'm getting a call," I said as my phone rang.

"Hello? Is this Bailey Mescher?" Asked the man on the phone.

"Yeah, who's calling?" I asked.

"My name is Andy and boy, do I have news for you."


There's so many surprises coming up and I can't wait to write about them. Hope you guys like it so far. Please leave suggestions. And I know the picture is lame but I didn't know what else to put.

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