meeting the sage

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"hello young naruto"

naruto got up and backed away a little he now had time to see the man clearly

the man had a beard that tapered down to his waist, white eyes without pupils and two horn-like protrusions that protruded from either side of his forehead. he wore a white, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatama.

"w-who are you" the young blond asked. "my name is Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki the creator of Ninshi im also known as the sage of sixth paths"

"t-t-the sage of sixth path?" naruto asked he knew very well who this was minato had told him many stories about him

"yes naruto-kun" hagoromo said looking at the blond with saddens for his harsh life and thinking of the moment naruto would find who his parents were

"how you are supposed to be dead? am I dead too!?!" naruto asked "no you are not dead but I am" Hagoromo replied " but if your dead then how do you know my name and where am i" naruto wondered what the hell was going on 1 minute he was getting beat up by the villager's and now there is this old man calling himself the sage of sight path's? "naruto im going to explain everything to you so listen closely ok?" he asked to which naruto nodded "we are inside your mind this is your mindscape its based to represent your mind and physical form understand" to which naruto nodded "the truth is naruto things were not suppose to go the way they are going" "what so you mean?" "the 4th hokage was supposed to have only 1 child not triplets and he was supposed to die along with his wife" "but i thought he had 2 children?" hagoromo's eyes dulled visibly and he looked at naruto with pity "the truth is naruto-kun........ the fourth.. is your father" naruto froze when he heard that "no it cant be he told me my parents were killed by the kyubi and beside why would he abandon me?" naruto at this point was in denial, hagoromo then decided to tell naruto everything from the creation of chakra by kaguya to minato being against abandoning naruto "please forgive your father and siblings naruto your sibling didnt have any part in this and are unknown to your existence and your father did everything he could but he could not just abandon his other two children along with everyone else for you it would be the same for for sibling so deciding you would be maybe more forgiving he chose to sacrifice you but it does not mean he does not love you naruto kun he loves you dearly even more than kushina or the village so please understand he didnt have a choice" naruto sobbing as tears came continuously out of his eyes " naruto i dont have much time left so please listen to me as this is my gift for you, its now your responsibility to maintain the balance of the world i am sure many otsusuki will even come here , my gift for you is 1. extra sensory and reflexes abilities it will help you dearly " hagoromo said " and 2. is my universal release it is a Kekkei Genkai which can allow you to form clouds or even make it a chakra affinity its really powerful and you will!!!! need it" naruto just listened to the sage in silence and nodded understanding everything " arigato ji-san, i promise you that i will bring peace in this world" hagoromo smiled at the young boy knowing that now the faith of the world is in his hands " good luck young naruto i wish you good luck " there was a bright light as naruto again went into unconscious


Next Morning

Konoha Hospital

Naruto opened his eyes groggily, and found himself covered head to toe in bandages. The events of last night rushed back to his mind including his talk with hagoromo, and the boy couldn't help but wince from his memories, he swear if he saw minato right now he just might snap

Suddenly, the door to his room opened, and a nurse walked in with a clipboard and looked at him, obviously surprised to see him awake.

"Ah! You're awake already?!" she squealed happily. "How do you feel?!" she asked him. Naruto tried to move his arms around to flex out his muscles, and smiled at her. The nurse, seeing him move so freely after such injuries, was surprised at the unreal rate he was healing with. Minato had only chosen his personally selected staff of medics for Naruto's care. He had only selected those few who didn't resent the kid, and those who did had been threatened to be trialed on grounds of treason should they attempt to do anything wrong with the child - the order had quickly shut off any weird ideas from blooming in their minds.

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