first c-rank

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for the next month naruto and his team did d-rank missions much to minato's amusement when he saw naruto banging tora to a wall, itachi had confronted minato about naruto and minato told him about his father and the 11 tailed wolf , itachi had been sparring with naruto daily, shisui had been gone on an year long mission and not returned yet so naruto was the best bet he will get for a daily sparring match. now team 12 except naruto were at the hokage tower with team 7 naruto had said he would be a little late today, "tou-san!!! no i will not do those chores im a ninja now not some kid and i want ninja missions" kotaru shouted with mito backing him up everyone sighed, suddenly naruto arrived in a shunshin and slapped kotaru at the back of his head "i could hear you all the way from my house you idiot" kotaru rubbed the back of his head which was in a little pain "ow ni-san that hurts" that was another thing that happened, team 7 and team 12 had been doing a lot of combined missions, kotaru and mito wanting to figure there brother like figure out had spent a lot of time with him and his cold kindness if thats a thing had made them unconsciously call him "ni-san" naruto had choked on his spit the first couple of times he heard it but had gotten used to it and was quite fond of it if the smile on his face was something to say, itachi and satsuki were happy to see there student/crush so happy, like naruto never smile, and yes "THE!" satsuki uchiha had developed a crush on our cold blond in the month, she used to act normal but whenever he would get too close her heart would fluster like a school girl

minato looked at kakashi "do you think they are ready for a c rank kakashi?" "i think they are sensei plus im always there if thing go bad"

"Alright team 7 you'll be escorting a client to the land of waves and be his bodyguards until he finishes the bridge he's building. Alright send in Tazuna-san." He said as a drunk man with a sake bottle came in and snorted.

"What I asked for bodyguards and you give me two frail girls one with whiskers, a whiskered brat and a cyclops. What's this a circus." He slurred as aiko glared while Kakashi and Naruto held down mito and kotaru from killing the client.

"Tazuna-san it would be wise not to disrespect my children and the senju can-heir" minato said an eyebrow twitching, these clints were getting out of had these day's, tazuna paled as he just stayed quite "Alright team 7 we head out tomorrow at 8. Pack for a month and meet me at the gates. Ja Ne." kakashi said and vanished in a puff of smoke, mito kotaru and aiko walked out and headed for the training grounds

"ok team 12 as promised i will give you your first c-rank as well" team 12 nodded, "there had been a report of multiple bandits camps near our village and i want you to clear it" sasuke and satsuki were a but nervous at the thought of killing but naruto looked fine "hai-hokage sama we will take that mission, team 12 we will head out in an hour so pack your tools its probably an 4-5 hour long mission so it will end today only" team 12 nodded and were about to head out when minato stopped them "naruto could you stay back" naruto nodded and as the doors closed minato activated a silencing seal and a privacy seal, "what is it minato?" he asked, minato's face turned serious "naruto kiri has been in a bloodline war and it is the end of line, so i said that i can send them one shinobi, they had been outraged but when in told them that he is my most trusted shinobi, they agreed." "and who is he, kakashi?" minato shook his head "no naruto, the thing is i want you to go there" naruto's eyes widened, "are you crazy minato, im not strong enough" "no naruto you are not naruto, but you are smart enough" "huh?" naruto was confused his father just told him to go to war and then told him he is not strong enough for it "what do you mean???" "im saying its your strategies, they are so good you could lead an army to attack konoha and even i would not be able to defeat it" naruto's eyes widened "what do you mean minato" minato sighed , he had taken an IQ test of naruto and it was above 300, it was insane!!!!!

"naruto will you do it?" minato's tone was strict this was not minato but the hokage of the leaf, this was the man who defeated the kyubi and 1000 shinobi's naruto sighed "ok but if i die il kill you" minato smiled, the only reason he was sending naruto was because of akari, he knew the bloodline war was because of the 3 tails jinchuriki, and maybe akari could stop it "i have already told the mizukage to not question your abilities, and this might sound mad but maybe you will unlock you mangekyo" , they had tried accessing his universal release and with the help of akari he had learned a little to used it, it was everything literally, he could not use any other bloodlines ofcourse but the universal release was powerfull probably the best bloodline ." i told itachi about it and he will give you the map of kiri and the location of the base of the bloodline user's" itachi had been shocked but did not question his kage, he knew naruto was strong and could handle himself, the scar on his chest was a proof of it. naruto nodded, he trusted minato with his life and knew the man would not send naruto to war without a reason. naruto was almost out of the office when minato stopped him "wait naruto i have something for you"

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