forest of death

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Naruto followed every the anko lady along with the remaining genin, he had though more people would be eliminated but kotaru's speech had a huge effect on the genin. he was unconsciously embarrassed seeing him making more enemies than what he already had. the procter of the second exam led them to training ground 44, where they were given a heaven scroll so they had to find and take an earth scroll from other team, he also had to sign a form saying that his death would not be a responsibility of konoha . they were sent to a big gate where the procter staring saying that they had a week to reach the tower in the middle with both an heaven scroll and an earth scroll

" Ok gaki's ready in 3! 2! 1! go!" everyone rushed inside the forest and disappeared

team 12 made their way inside the forest sasuke watching their back while naruto and satsuki looked for any team. naruto sensed a team ahead so he signaled sasuke and satsuki who nodded without saying a word. they leapt thorough the trees while hiding their presence until they saw an oto team. naruto looked towards sasuke and he nodded. sasuke activated his sharingan and casted a genjutsu which made the oto team just see darkness "what the hell!" "calm down both of you" the nin's back faced each other and the got in a defensive pose, an ominous presence was sensed by the team and they saw a pair of blood red eyes staring at them each "what the hell is happening i cant move!!" shouted the girl of the team "shhhhhhh " came a voice in her ear and she felt cold metal on her neck, same for the other two "who has the scroll?". "i-i-it's in my pocket", naruto smirked and took out the scroll. an earth scroll, perfect. he signaled his teammates "thank you" he said and slit her throat. satsuki cleaned her kunai "well that was easy" sasuke hummed in response, naruto was about to say something when he sensed an immense chakra spike near them and his eyes widened "naruto? what happened" satsuki and sasuke immediately got on guard " naruto?" if possible. naruto's eyes got even wider and he took of without saying something making satsuki and sasuke follow him "naruto stop!!"

with team 7

mito kotaru and aiko had just fought an oto team when a large scale fire jutsu almost hit them "you are fast, il admit that" " who the hell are you!?" team 7 looked up to see a man who had short, unkempt, dark-coloured hair, black eyes and a relatively broad nose and well-defined eyelashes, that were turns upwards at each end, He wore the standard attire of the Uchiha clan which includes a high-collared, dark-coloured outfit along with a strapped to the right side of the back of his shoulder. He also wore what appeared to be a harness for his tantō which ran across his chest and fastened over both his shoulders. "your an uchiha?' the uchiha smirked "the names shisui" "shisui? your sasuke's cousin" "i sure am" team 7 were confused as to why he would be there "now be civil and come with me you two" he pointed towards mito and kotaru "huh, why we are in the middle of the chunin exam", shisui sighed "oh well" but before he could say anything else, shisui took out his tanto and blocked naruto's sword "ni-san?" "stay back kotaru, this guy is no joke", naruto was mentally panicking, why was shisui here since itachi said he was on a long termed mission, why was he after mito and kotaru? "uzumaki naruto, you have made quite a name for yourself you know" naruto smirked "shisui of the body flicker, why are you attacking them, you are a konoha shinobi?" shisui matched his grin " do you see my headband anywhere?" naruto's eyes widened and he unsealed his gunbai, sasuke and satsuki caught up and their eyes widened " t-that's-" sasuke's comment was finished by satsuki "madara uchiha's gunbai" "shisui uchiha, for betraying the hidden leaf, im gonna execute you right here", shisui started laughing "really? you are gonna execute me? please naruto, even you know you cant defeat me" naruto knew that was true, shisui was the elite anbu captain and even stronger than itachi, plus that was 2 years ago but he still had one move he could use "sasuke, go to the nearest exit and inform the anbu immediately" "bu-" "sasuke go quick and satsuki" "yeah?" "lets take him down" "you are getting overconfident now arent you" naruto raised his gunbai and took off the bandages on his left hand, it had finally regrown just in time, he held his sword on the other hand "my other sword broke so i have to stick with the gunbai, damn this is gonna be painfull" he thought "satsuki come here" naruto placed a seal on her and nodded satsuki grinned in return "you ready?" naruto did not answer as he rushed towards shisui along with satsuki naruto jumped his and swing his gunbai while satsuki took out her katana and dashed at shisui intending to slash him, shisui smirked and appeared behind naruto intending to punch him but naruto turned mid air and used his sword, shisui disappeared again, appearing behind satsuki, but he suddenly heard a clap and naruto appeared in the place of satsuki, facing him he used his sword and tried to gut him but shisui substituted  out of there

"what was that", shisui asked, aiko mito and kotaru thinking the same thing, naruto smirked and satsuki who was in the place of naruto landed beside him, naruto weaved through handsigns and whispered "fire style : majestic destroyer flame" naruto used the jutsu making team 7 and shisui's eyes widened, "amazing, ni-san's jutsu could probably rival the rasengan" mito countered

"what was that", shisui asked, aiko mito and kotaru thinking the same thing, naruto smirked and satsuki who was in the place of naruto landed beside him, naruto weaved through handsigns and whispered "fire style : majestic destroyer flame" naruto ...

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( never put this there and its confusing to describe this jutsu)

a shadow clone of naruto appeared beside kotaru, kotaru jumped in suprise but calmed down "kotaru, im placing a seal on you and trusting you so listen closely, you too aiko and mito" they nodded "you wont get any signal and will feel dizzy, but ready up your attacks and attack him, il take care of the rest" they were confused but nodded as naruto drew a seal on them shisui reappeared standing on the burned ground "you indeed are a prodigy like itachi naruto" naruto again tried to cut shisui but shisui disappeared, reappearing behind him but naruto used hiraishin to escape, appearing beside kotaru. "lets end this game of dodge shall we?" shisui looked confused "what do you mean?", naruto smirked and disappeared as shisui felt immense pain on his back "aghhhh, what the hell" "i marked you", naruto got ready to attack again but immediately backed up when he saw shisui's eye's change " to be honest i dont need the mangekyo but im running low on time so i have no choice, there is still time left, hand me mito and kotaru and il let you go". 

naruto smirked "satsuki" satsuki turned towards him and slashed with her katana aiming to behead him "what are you doing" came aiko's shout but before even shisui could react appeared there  instead of naruto, shisui barely moved him head to dodge...

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naruto smirked "satsuki" satsuki turned towards him and slashed with her katana aiming to behead him "what are you doing" came aiko's shout but before even shisui could react appeared there  instead of naruto, shisui barely moved him head to dodge and took out his tanto going in a kenjutsu fight with satsuki, meanwhile naruto who was in place of shisui switched places with him again" i see" shisui smirked "your seal allows you to switch places whenever you want, troublesome indeed" naruto and satsuki rushed towards shisui and naruto jumped to kick him while satsuki got behind him, but satsuki appeared replacing naruto as he kicked shisui on the head from behind, then naruto switched places again and satsuki appeared both of them punching him, naruto glanced at his side to see kotaru and mito and aiko ready so he disappeared again, shisui expecting naruto to  appear behind saw satsuki but suddenly felt pain in his stomach and he coughed blood as kotaru slammed a rasengan in his stomach, then mito appeared behind him instead of satsuki doing the same , as the twins (hehe) slammed a rasengan on his back and stomach, then Aiko and satsuki appeared, aiko gut punching him and satsuki, slashing his back, then both of them disappeared and naruto appeared, mangekyo blazing, aiming for his head but he was thrown back and severally damaged as shisui was covered in an green skeleton "enough of your games" shisui was about to further evolve his susanoo but he sensed multiple anbu coming and he cursed his luck "il see you again, naruto and next time these tricks wont work on me" naruto smirked "il be waiting" and shisui disappeared, naruto started walking "well, that was something" kotaru and mito came towards him "ni-san, what was that?" he grinned at his little brother but before naruto he felt darkness overtake him "damn, itachi you were right", the last thing he heard was satsuki running towards him

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