Chapter Twenty Five (Murder House)

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Three Years Later 


Constance enters a beauty parlor. '' Ding-Dong! '' She exclaims, laying eyes on the very person she came here to see. '' How do you feel, about working a miracle today, Helen? '' She questions, earning a smile from the woman. '' Constance, you get your ass in my chair! '' She beams, kissing Constance on the cheek. '' Where have you been, girl? I was starting to think you found yourself another salon. ''

After taking off her coat, Constance sits herself down. '' Oh, heavens no, no, no, no. '' She chuckles. '' I've just been a bit housebound of late. '' She explains. '' Now, don't shriek when this scarf comes off. Lady Clairol and I have become entirely too familiar. '' 

Constance then takes of her head scarf and her sunglasses, setting them on her lap. '' Housebound? You have an accident? '' Helen questions as Constance shakes her head, a glint in her eyes. '' No. I had a baby. '' She smiles.

Helen's mouth hangs wide open. '' A baby? '' She questions, earning a vigorous nod from Constance. '' A boy. A son! '' The older woman beams, then catches the look on her hair-stylists face. '' Oh, I didn't give birth to him, of course. '' She clarifies. '' No, he was the, um...child of a distant cousin, on my mother's side. '' Constance pauses. '' The DeLongpress of Virginia. Evaline and Steve. They died tragically in a highway accident outside Richmond, leaving that poor little angel an orphan. ''

'' Terrible. '' Helen comments, giving Constance her full attention. '' Yeah, but little Michael and I were meant to be together. He was meant to be my son. A I, his mother. '' She gushes. '' Oh, and you should see him with Katherine. I've told you about Katherine, haven't I? ''

Helen nods her head and hums. '' Mmm,  the tall brunette with olive skin and a gorgeous figure? The one I saw drop you off? That's the young woman you talked so much about the last time you were here? '' She questions. 

Constance nods. '' Yes, and she was sent from heaven I can assure you of that. '' She breathes out, smiling at how her life finally feels complete. '' Sometimes it's hard to pry the little angel away from her. '' She chuckles. '' He just won't settle if she isn't near him. ''

Helen gives Constance a warm, beaming smile. '' That just warms my heart. To hear that you've found happiness. '' She pauses. '' Now, let me see what I can do here. '' She begins playing with Constance's hair.


Katherine enters the salon just as Helen adds the finishing touches to Constance's hair. '' You must be Katherine. '' Helen gives her a welcoming smile. '' And you must be Helen. '' Katherine smiles back at her as she walks towards them. '' The woman who can clearly do wonderous things to hair. '' She now stands behind Constance, who is still sitting.

'' Hey. '' Constance points her finger at the younger woman in the mirror, her tone threatening and her face full of amusement. '' You just wait until you get to my age, missy. '' She stands up, observing the brunette. '' Although, I can't deny, it seems like you haven't aged a day since I met you. '' Katherine chuckles as Constance pays for her appointment.

'' Now, did you get everything we needed? '' Constance questions as they walk to Katherine's car, the younger woman humming in response. '' Let's just hop, whatever-her-name-is hasn't met a grizzly end. '' Katherine states as they enter the vehicle. 

'' Flora. '' Constance sighs. '' Her name is Flora, Katherine. '' She clicks her seatbelt as Katherine starts the car. '' And you mustn't joke about such things. ''


Constance and Katherine enter the house, grocery bags in their arms. '' I apologise for being late, Flora. '' Constance calls as they enter the kitchen. '' But Helen had to go into minute detail of every tiresome moment of her niece's Bat Mitzvah. '' She and Katherine begin unpacking the groceries. '' The amount of money people throw away on a thirteen year old is...''

'' Constance...'' Katherine interupts her. '' What, dear? '' The older woman turns around to see what Katherine is looking at, and the two of them share a look.

Blood is smeared on the door of the refrigerator, along with a smashed cookie-jar that lays on the ground. '' Flora? '' Constance calls out, only to receive no reply.

Spotting a blood trail on the floor, Katherine is followed closely by Constance. Entering Michael's room, they find Flora dead, lying beneath the young boys feet, who smiles happily, cookie crumbs falling from his mouth. '' Kitty! '' He exclaims, his arms reaching out for Katherine.

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