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On the plane with Caresha.
"Jt bro, she was so upset!"Caresha frowned.
Jt scoffed"I don't even know why Santana would do some shit like that"
She sighed"I don't know either, ion think y/n that mad at me no more but i don't know"

"It's gone be okay Caresha, how long y'all staying in LA?"
"Uhh, as long as y/n and party staying. I'm trying to get as much time with her as possible. It won't be more than a few days tho her little brother and Neon got a play date"
"Oh shit, you letting her meet Neon? I couldn't meet him until 2 years after he was born"
She scoffed"Shut up"

They stayed talking on the phone for a while longer before Caresha started to fall asleep, they said they're goodbyes and hung up.
Caresha sat thinking of ways to make it up to you when she landed, she didn't want it to seem she cared too much though, she already felt as if she was getting attached too quickly.

Caresha laid her head against her neck pillow and slowly fell asleep.

In LA with You
"Holy shit!"You gasped looking at the view, party decided to get one of the best hotels in LA, as he said 'Anything for my girl'.
"Nice right?"He said laughing as he look around, you both had a room of your own. You were staying here until Friday, then you and Caresha were gonna meet up in Canada so Remi and Careshas nephew could have their play date.

"Hell yea"You smiled,"Ugh! We have to go out for dinner!"You squealed happily.
"Alright let me shower first"He said walking away.
"Me too"You sighed going into your bedroom.

You had your clothes laid out already. The party is in 16 hours, so you have plenty of time to roam around the city.

You take your shower and hop out about 45 minutes later. Jahron was out before you and dressed in a nice tux.
"Tryna take me on a date lil nig?"You giggled.
He smacked his lips"I take you on one each time we travel stop playin wimme"
You laughed taking his hand, he was dressed in a cream colored tux and you dressed in a gorgeous dark red dress, the color coordination looking perfect together.

"So where are we goin?"You asked clutching your hand purse tightly.
"That's a surprise lil bae"
You rolled your eyes.

"Is there sushi there?"You asked hopeful, you loved sushi.
He laughed"Y/N, just shut up"He said as you both approached the car, he opened the door for you.

"Why thank you"You smiled, he closed the door once you were situated then got in himself. And with that you and your best friend drove off, playing music and just enjoying yourselves together.

After a while of driving you had finally reached the restaurant, 'Yamashiro Hollywood'

It was a extremely nice looking restaurant, the decorticating had you in awe.
"I picked a good one yea?"He asked walking up to the lady standing at the entrance. You nodded your head excitedly.

"Reservation-"Jahron started to speak, you zoned him out as you looked around the amazing place. You cased the place a while longer before you spotted Megan Thee mtf Stallion, she was with a few of her friend and you shoved jahron in the side.
"Mother fuck-"
"It's megan"You said lowly, eyes glued on the rapper.
"Well i'll be damned"He laughed"Okay let's go to our table,"

"Nothing. She enjoying her food let her be human"
You sighed but nodded your head understandingly, following him to your guys table.

You bounced in your seat, something you did when happy or excited.
"Girl is you happy?"He laughed.
You rolled your eyes"Shut the fuck."

You both stared at your menus for a while before the waiter came asking for your drink orders,
"Uhm red wine, Carlo Rossi"You said.
"Uhmm, Carina beer"Jahron said.

The waiter wrote it down"Okay, and are you guys ready to order?"
"Yes, actually"
"Okay what would you like to order?"
"Can I get the braised short rib"Patty ordered, you skipped through the menu for a while.
"Uhm, can I get the California Tempura roll and, the Wakame seaweed salad please?"You said with a smile.
"Yep! Is that all?"
You both nodded your heads, and with that she took you guys menu and walked away.

You and party sat staring at each other for a while before loud laughs broke your eye contact.
"Megan having a blast over there"You giggled.

"Sure the fuck is,"He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box, it wasn't small enough to hold a ring, but it wasn't big enough to hold a bracket either.

He placed the box onto the table, a huge grin on his face, he knew you'd love this.
He gently pushed it over to you.
"Don't ask what it is just open the shit"He said pulling out his phone to record, and as i did you slowly opened the box. You gasped, tears welling in your eyes.

It was a diamond chain, with your name engraved in it.
"Holy shit"You said"Holy, Bru what the fuck"You giggled in shock.

You then pout "Thank you bestfriend"
"Anything for my favorite"

You scoffed holding it out for him to put on you, he quickly stood up to put it on.

Once he put it on you he stood back with a smile"Damn!"
"Girl you look good with some ice on you"
You rolled your eyes with a smile.
"Thank you bestfriend"
"You're welcome lil bae"
You smacked your lips.
"Now pose so I can take pictures mother fucka"
You giggled and did your little poses, the pictures coming out glamorous.

The waiter soon came back with both of y'all food, you groaned excited to eat.
"This look good as hell"You giggled.
Then there was a flash"Took my lady to dinner, Y/N say hey"
"Heyy"You laughed and he stopped recording.
"You okay if I post that?"
You nodded your head as you took a piece of mango from the salad you ordered.
"Oh this shit good"

You guys were enjoying your dinner date, laughing and conversing with one another until you heard a voice.
"Oh shit, Y/N?"You heard what sounded like Careshas voice.

Your mouth dropped slightly as you turned around.
"Oh shit,"You said softly.
"Y/N!"She smiled reaching out for you, you stood up and walked over to her slowly, bring her into a hug.

"Stalking me now huh?"
"Girl bye I came cuh I was meeting up with Megan"She scoffed.
"Mhm"You mumbled,"Girl you smell good as hell, and,"She paused.
"Where the fuck you got that chain?!"She gasped.
You laughed shyly"Party bought it for me"
"Oh so he like your sugar daddy?"
"Girl beat it"You laughed.

"Well imma get back to my food,"You said.
"Meet me in the front when you done"She said softly, the tone of her voice making your insides melt a little as you walked back to party.

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