Chapter 8-Whispers of Resilience

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Suggested songs-

Feel Something- Jaymes Young

Mean It- Gracie Abrams

Consume- Chase Atlantic

High School Sweethearts- Melanie Martinez


Firstly, Eli had high-jacked me and interrogated me in the staff closet, and second, this damn day is dragging its silly little ass on the ground.

Can't this day come to an end already?

Stepping out of the staff closet, I navigate the narrow hallway, trying to avoid Eli's lingering presence.

My heart races, still trying to comprehend the encounter. His words, an echo, replay in my mind, a constant reminder of the secrets I keep.

The biggest one is something only one individual knows about. One I hope, never has to see me vulnerable again.

That day everything was blurred, yet he was the only person I could call. He was the only person who helped me.

Yet Mom almost killed him for doing so.


Nine-year-old Isabella on the phone-

"H-Hello, it's an emergency. I'm using the emergency call. You promised you'd come if I called. Please help me. I- there's so much blood."

"Isabella? I need you to do me a favor. Okay? I need you to turn on your location for me. Just like I showed you. Can you do that for me?"


"Good. I'm on my way, moonlight."

Back to the present

Shaking off the memory, I make my way back to the kitchen, serving the remaining customers, each step, a deliberate escape from the unease that clings to me.

As we wrap up our time at the diner, Eli volunteers to give Amara and Luke a ride home, while I make my way towards my own house.

He had offered to drive me but I enjoy walking at night, everything at night is just BETTER.

I would have stayed over at Luke's place but I have other things I need to attend to.

A person I need to look after despite her actions, she is my mother.

The night air is crisp, and a gentle breeze rustles through the trees as I approach the front door.

With the door half-open, I pause mid-step, my attention catching on Eli's voice.

He beckons me, calling out, "Get in the car, butterfly." Confusion overtakes me as I turn to face him, holding the door ajar.

I can't help but question him, my tone laced with skepticism. "Why do I need to get in the car?" I ask, hoping for an explanation.

His reply, however, is cryptic. "You'll find out soon enough," he says, a hint of intrigue in his voice.

A sarcastic remark escapes my lips as I playfully taunt him. "Oh, so you're a serial killer now, planning to kidnap me, Eli?"

I chuckle, not fully believing the playful scenario I've painted.

But as his gaze meets mine, a mischievous glimmer dances in his eyes.

Without another word, he confirms my suspicions as he nods towards the car.

Signaling that I should get in.

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