Chapter 11~ Façade

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I step into my car, the engine roaring to life as I navigate the streets to the coffee shop near The Enchanted Bookshelf.

The thoughts of my mother's death are momentarily pushed aside as I arrive at the coffee shop, I spot Isabella sitting with Amara.

Her eyes light up as she laughs at something Amara has said, and I can't help but smile as I watch her happiness.

I dial Luke's number, waiting impatiently as it rings. "Hey," I say when he answers, "call Isabella and tell her I'm outside."

Luke's voice crackles through the phone, "Why don't you just go inside and tell her yourself? I'm in the middle of dealing with some heavy stuff here. Particularly carrying this hunk outta my trunk."

I pause for a moment, considering the awkwardness of the situation. "I mean, what should I even say?

'Hey, Isabella, Luke needed to make a detour, so you're coming with me'? That sounds weird, I’m not a creep."

“I think you’re a creep, Parker.” he replies as shifting sounds out over the line.

“Oh, sure I am, especially due to those dysfunctional brain cells of yours.”

Luke sighs audibly, clearly exasperated, "Well yes, that's exactly what you should say. Just go in there and charm; you smooth operator.”

 “I don't even know them well yet."

"They," he counters, emphasizing the plural form.

“Who are you talking about? Who's with her, Eli?” Luke interrupts with a puzzled tone.

I respond, "Amara's here too."

“O-Oh. Okay, well take care of them for me buddy. Hurt either of them and I promise that I won't be nice.”

“I’ll take care of them.”

I'll take care of her and everything that comes along with her.

I reply as I end the call, I retrieve the bandages from the dashboard, placing them in the central compartment.

Just then, Isabella's phone rings and she brings it to her ear. Our eyes meet, and I hold her gaze as she speaks into the phone, making arrangements to leave the coffee shop.

I step out of the car and head to the back seat, opening the door for the girls as they approach.

Isabella's gaze flicks to my torn knuckles, her concern is evident. She exchanges a few words with Amara, who nods in understanding.

Amara greets me with a friendly side hug, and I turn to Isabella, saying, "Hi, Ell."

“Hi, Eli." She smiles and gets in the back of the car.

Once they're settled in the back, I return to the driver's seat,

As we settle into the car, I ask, "So, where should I be taking you guys?"

Amara's expression shifts, a hint of concern in her eyes.

"I thought Luke was supposed to pick you up," she says, head turned towards Isabella, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Is... is he okay?" She asks as she directs her question to me.

I meet her gaze in the rearview mirror, and I can sense her worry, along with something else.

"He's fine, Sunshine," I reassure Amara, using the friendly nickname I've always called her.

Okay maybe it was since the day at Luke’s house but either way.

Isabella's lips curl up in response to my words. "You can head to Amara's house; I can walk from there," she suggests.

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