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Imagine Thorin being drunk and coming clean about how he feels about you

Erebor was reclaimed and all the dwarves were celebrating the victory of their homeland. Drinking and toasting to the brave souls who gave their lives and drinking for those who lived and made it to see the glory of the next day. You were wearing something a little different from what you wore on the quest, you wore a dark green dress that wasn't too fancy but it could twirl amazingly well and flowed like ocean waves around you with a square neckline and poofy long sleeves that got tight on your wrists. You pinned your hair up in a messy bun with two strings of hair framing your face and you opened the doors to the banquet with a wide smile. People crowded you and congratulated you on saving the king and what you have done with the company. You smile, genuinely touched by the people honoring you.
"Y/n!" You heard a man call and your smile widened
"Fili!" You whirl around and face him and your dress swirls around you as you spin around and he smiles warmly at you
"You look ravishing." He compliments and extends his arm for you to take and you smirk looping your arm around his.
"Side by side with the crown prince I feel like a peasant." He rolls his eyes at your remark and you giggle
"Nevertheless thank you." You look up at him and he chuckles
"Of course," He walks you up to the table with all the members of the company and Thorin in a fine chair at the head of the table with a mug of ale in his hand and a smile on his lips as he looks at his people smiling and laughing. Your eyes sweep over his handsome face and you found yourself blushing when you see the new scar on his left eyebrow that the battle gave him that made him look fiercer than before. His eyes were sparkling from the warm light and it made you smile warmly
"Uncle, Y/n is here." Fili says bowing his head in respect to his uncle and Thorin's eyes travel to your and he smiles warmly and nods to you softly
"Good evening Y/n." His low voice made your shiver and you blushed a little bit and curtsied slightly and he gave you a crooked smile
"No need for that Y/n you met me when I was a wanderer you don't need to bow to me, we are equals." You looked down as a blush invaded your cheeks
"If that's what you wish..." you mutter with a giddy smile on your lips and Thorin chuckled
"Sit, drink, eat, it's time to celebrate our victory!" He raises his mug and the company raises it and whoops and cheers and they chug their whole ale. Thorin slams his mug down first and wipes his mouth with his wrist with a victorious smirk. Dwalin slams his after followed by Bofur and Fili and Kili. You giggle as Kili burps loudly and you grab a mug of ale and take a huge gulp of the dark liquid letting it burn down your throat. You wince slightly and laugh and Thorin smirks at you and points to the top of his lip
"You have foam.." he chuckles and you blush in embarrassment and wipe the beer foam off of your face and the company cackles at your tomato face.
"Y/n, now that the quest and battle is over what do you plan on doing?"Bofur inquires from across the table. You tilt your head in thought and you see Thorin shift in his chair and you bring your beer to your lips and take a sip
"Honestly, I have nowhere to go, I may go into Rivende—"
"Nowhere to go? Lass stay here with me— US! You belong with us in the company."Thorin frowns looking offended at your statement and your eyes widen
"You would let me stay?! Truly!?" You smile ear to ear you were so happy he could practically see a tail wagging.
"You belong here Y/n. How could I tell you to leave after all you've done for my kingdom?" He motions to the people below and you shrug
"Well I didn't want to seem like a burden asking if I could stay here." Your volume decreased as you spoke and Thorin sighed gently and shook his head and took another mug of ale and chugged half of it in one go
"You're never a burden Y/n." He states looking at his drink as he starts to loosen up and you smile knowing it was the truth and the drink was making him speak his mind.
"I'm honored Thorin truly." You gazed at him and found him already staring at you intently and his eyes flickered from your eyes down to your lips and you worried you still had beer on your mouth so you licked your lips and tasted nothing and Thorin grabbed his mug and downed the last half and asked for another and he chugged the half of that one too and he slammed it down on the table with an irritated sigh and he covered his mouth as he held in a burp and released his breath.
"At least the king has manners." You giggled and he scoffed playfully
"That was not always the case." He whispered and drank more and you worried he was already tipsy he would be completely wasted soon if he didn't slow down his drinking
"Really? How come?" You asked taking a small sip and he smirked at you
"Back when I was Fili's age..." he crossed his elbows on the table and tilted his head down to look at your through his brows flirtatiously
"I used to be quite popular among the women and was quite the player." He chuckled darkly and you gasped
"You're joking!" You were taken aback to say the least and he only smirked at you
"You think it isn't true?" He questioned and you stuttered
"No! Well I mean yes and no. I mean I Don't doubt it you have the looks. I mean no. I mean—" you finished your ale and covered your face with your hand and groaned and he smiled wickedly at you
"Good to know I still have it." He murmured bringing the wooden mug to his lips and swallowing a gulp of beer. Your eyes landed on his throat as he swallowed and you blushed dark red. He peeked from the corner of his eyes and saw you blushing and chuckled and set the cup down. His face was hinted pink from the alcohol and the world was getting tipsy but he didn't mind. He was feeling so relaxed and having you by his side he felt like he was in Heaven.
"You're a very beautiful woman you know." He said out of the blue and you blushed dark red
"Th-thank you, you're very handsome yourself." You started fanning your face as the room started to get hot and Thorin chuckled
"Getting hot huh?" He raised his scarred brow and your heart rate tripled
"A little bit.." you muttered and he finished the next mug of ale and that's when he was fully drunk. His eyes were opened drowsily and a smug smirk was plastered on his lips and you knew you were done for.
"Y/n, darling, come here." He motioned and you blushed and slowly got up
"What do you mean?" You asked confused at what he meant
"Come to me my dear, I don't bite." He cooed and you blushed standing next to him by his fancy chair and he grabbed your wrist and sat you on his lap and you gasped as his hand snaked around your waist and his mouth grazed the shell of your ear
"How hot is it now?" He growled lowly in your ear and you blushed harder and he laughed as your ear burned a fiery red and you are stunned silent. His hands massage your hips gently and he grabs a new mug of ale and chugs the whole thing and rests his chin on your shoulder and breathes in your scent
"You smell good..." he whispers drunkenly not caring he is saying his thoughts outloud
"Thorin I think you've had enough alcohol tonight." You declare as you stand from his lap and he frowns and pulls you back down on his leg facing him this time
"I think not." He smirks and pulls your forward and your hands land on his chest to catch yourself. You feel the hard muscles of his chest under his tunic and fur robe and you can only imagine what he looks like beneath the dark blue fabric
"I know you want this Y/n." He smirks and you look to the company and they are all drunk and not even paying attention to Thorin or you and you swallow the lump in your throat.
"Thorin you're drunk..." you whisper and he chuckles
"Maybe I am, but I know how I feel about you without drinking." His hands rub on your hips and back and you take a deep recollecting breath
"Come on Thorin, you need to go to your room. You're gonna have a terrible hangover in the morning." You picked yourself up and pulled him up and he staggered and you caught his weight and walked through corridors with him until you felt him start to laugh.
"What's so funny?" You asked and he giggled
"I never imagined myself finding my One. I thought it would never happen." Your eyes widen and he stands up straight looks down at you and steps closer to you and you take a step back until your back hits cold stone. His hands slide down the wall trapping you beneath him and he pressed his forehead against yours
"Y/n I finally found you..." he brushes a fly away hair behind your ear and cups your face and leans in pressing his lips against yours in a breathtaking kiss. You gasp as his mouth melds into yours perfectly. Your eyes flutter closed and you brush his hair away with the back of your hand and trail it down the side of his face. The scruff of his beard scratching against your skin as you hummed against his lips. His hand on the wall landed on your waist and he pushed his body flush against you as he held you close. He sighed against your mouth at the taste of you. He wanted to kiss you from the first moment your eyes locked and you smiled warmly at him. Even in his drunken state he knew he would remember this, the way you kissed him back softly and your hand whispering a touch against his face made him weak as he melted to your warmth. You pulled away gently to breathe and he looked down at you to see your eyes still closed in bliss and he blushed harder.
"Please tell me this isn't a dream..." he whispered holding your face in his hand and caressing his thumb on your flushed cheeks. You leaned forward and he shut his eyes awaiting your kiss but you stopped a centimeter away from his lips. He opened his eyes with sadness and hurt consuming his face and tears building up and he pulled away feeling regret, embarrassment, and guilt sweep over him and he turned away, but you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back
"Thorin, wait. I love you... I was just scared that you were making a drunk mistake. Please don't go." You whispered frantically and he sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around you tightly hugging you.
"No Y/n forgive me, this was my fault. I should've told you at a better time." He whispered and your shook your head
"Nonsense, I know your stubbornness, if you didn't get this much alcohol you would've taken this secret with you to the grave." You pulled your head away from his shoulder and cupped his face and he melted to your touch closing his gemstone eyes and he raised a hand to yours and kept your hand there.
"Y/n, my One..." he whispered as he kissed the inside of your palm and you blushed and pulled his face towards yours and slanted his lips over yours. His eyes widened in surprise, but only for a moment before he gave in and kissed you bringing his hand to the back of your neck and keeping you close.
"I love you so much" you murmured and he smiled into the kiss
"I love you Y/n..." he pulled away and caught his breath and he smiled giddily and showered your face with kisses and you giggled at his abundance of affection that you knew would be rare once he was sober.
"I feel horrible." He grumbled as he staggered slightly and yawned as his drunken state threatened to rip him into unconsciousness.
"Let's get you to your room." You smiled and guided him to his room and into his bed and tucked him in and kissed his cheek as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Good night my love." You whispered tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. He smiled gently and touched your hand
"Will you stay here with me tonight?" He asked hesitantly  and your heart warmed
"Of course..." you whispered and got in the other side of the mattress next to him where he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled into your shoulder and tangled your legs together.
"I love you Ghivashel..." he slurred sleepily and you blushed
"I love you Thorin." You whispered and you felt his chest rising and falling steadily with sleep finally taking him.

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