Chapter 45

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Here's the second-last chapter! :D I hope you like it! :D Please vote and comment for it! :D I really hope you guys like it! :D Enjoy! :D Picture of Jenna on the side. :D

Chapter 45

                Dahlia, Tamarak and Hunter fairly flew down the hall away from the magical duel that was sure to commence between Benjamin and Ellie. Despite the revelations of the past fifteen minutes, none of them faltered. Although he was still unsteady on his feet after being thrown about like a ragdoll, Tamarak managed to summon enough energy to make the three of them invisible. The only thing that worried them was that they might be heard, rather than seen. Hopefully, Hunter would detect any enemy magicians before they ran into them and warn them to be softer. And if that failed, then it was up to Dahlia to convince Varmer's magicians that they weren't actually there or to ignore them or something. It was a simple plan, but it worked.

                None of them knew their way around Varmer's castle. Dahlia had only been there once before and had not been able to properly explore while neither Tamarak nor Hunter had set foot in the place in their lives. Although Hunter was good at figuring out where people where, he was not so good at figuring out a way through a maze.

                Because that was what Varmer's castle was: a maze.

                The corridors were identical and it was practically impossible to tell the difference between one corridor and another. When they reached a fork in the path, they stopped and looked at one another. Or rather, they tried to, for all of them were invisible and only Tamarak could see both Dahlia and Hunter.

                "Which way?" Hunter muttered in a low voice.

                "Don't ask me," Tamarak whispered back. "I've never been here before. Dahlia?"

                Dahlia squirmed at the pressure, staring at the two different corridors, hoping to see at least a significant difference or a clue that might lead her to Varmer's throne room. Both corridors were identical in every aspect. Both of them were paved with smooth wooden floorboards and had dark brown walls. Ordinarily, she might try to look at the number of doors or rooms, but both corridors were unnaturally dark and none of them could see anything past the first few feet.

                "We could split up," Hunter suggested when Dahlia remained silent. "Maybe one of us could find the portal."

                "The reason we're here is because we need all of our talents," Dahlia argued. "Benjamin said that the portal would most likely be in Varmer's throne room which suggests that Varmer would be there, especially since Benjamin said that we would need Tamarak's invisibility powers. Hunter, can you track down Varmer? If we find him, we can find the portal!"

                It was hard to argue with Dahlia's logic, but the idea of trying to find Varmer was horrifying to Hunter, even though he had never seen him before in his life.

                "Do you really want to find the Fire Immortal?" Hunter demanded. "The one magician who definitely wants to kill us? Do you really think that's a good idea?"

                Tamarak bit his lip. "It's our best shot," he said, trying to be as objective as possible although Dahlia could tell that the thought of facing Varmer terrified him even more than it frightened her.

                Hunter closed his eyes, or at least Tamarak saw him do so. Neither Dahlia nor Tamarak did anything to interrupt his concentration; they waited nervously in the hopes that no enemy magician would come along or they might set off some timer alarm.

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