Chapter Twenty Four

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I sneaked out before he woke the following morning, having barely slept the night before. Taking my clothes into the bathroom I showered quickly and dressed then grabbed the kit I would need for the day which I'd packed the day before while he was sleeping. It was too early to meet Ed so I took myself down to the restaurant for breakfast where I picked at some toast and drank a couple of cups of tea. Heading to reception I asked them to call Ed for me in an hour to let him know to meet me at Central Park and then headed out into the pale light of dawn. The kit bag was heavy but I'd done this so many times it didn't really bother me too much, as I adjusted it across my shoulders. I caught a bus to the side of the park I needed and then walked through, pausing to photograph some dew laden plants and the rising sun behind me at one point. At least the weather would be good for the shoot I reflected. Having a load of wet, pissed off wrestlers to try and photograph would not have been fun. Sunshine tended to bring out the best in everyone though.

I headed to the section of parkland which had been cordoned off for us and ducked under the tape, as I pulled my badge from my bag and hung it round my neck in its lanyard. This would tell anyone who checked that I was the company photographer and this was my shoot. After I'd walked round and checked I was happy with the space I started to organise my equipment in the tent which had been set up for our use. I'd just finished this when I heard quick footsteps behind me and turned to see Ed.

"Sorry Miss Summers, I didn't know you wanted to be here so early," he said, looking a little rumpled as if he'd rushed out without brushing his hair.

"Oh it's ok. I just woke early and thought I'd get a head start," I said, smiling at him.

"Are you ok? You look a bit pale." He gave me a concerned look and I nodded.

"I'm fine. Have you had breakfast?"

Ed looked a little sheepish.

"I got your message and headed straight here," he confessed. I glanced at the time.

"We've got time to eat before we need to set up. Come on, I'll get us something to eat."

"What about our stuff?" he asked and I looked round at the equipment I'd set up. We couldn't really leave it unattended even if the area was cordoned off.

"There's a diner that does take out," I said. "Go grab yourself something from there. We can eat and drink it here."

"What should I get you?"

"Just a tea, Ed. I ate before I came out and not much appetite today. Get yourself whatever you want though." I handed him a bill and he took off, with a bright smile now he knew he was getting food. I brought a hand to my head, feeling the start of a headache and grabbed a bottle of water from my bag. I felt like I had a hangover but knew it was the effects of the panic attack the night before and a lack of sleep. Taking a couple of painkillers I forced myself into work mode, pushing aside all thoughts of Bret and what might happen there. I'd deal with that later. Ed was gone about half an hour and when he returned he handed me a small paper bag with a blueberry muffin.

"You looked like you needed something,  Miss Summers and I know you like these," he said, almost shyly. I smiled at him, taking it. Maybe the sugar would help.

"Thank you," I said. We sat down and tucked into our breakfast while he asked questions about the set up. Once we were done we headed out with small cameras and merchandise to set up the shoot. By that time a company security guard had arrived to keep an eye on the equipment tent so we felt safe enough to leave our stuff as it was now attended. Having a bit of time I did an impromptu lesson with Ed about framing a shot using some of the merchandise. He listened well and was excited when I said we'd develop his shots alongside my own later on after the shoot.

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