Chapter Twenty Seven

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The weeks were long and difficult during my recovery. I was happy enough that week Bret was with me but when he left the apartment felt like a prison for me and for Dotty who wouldn't leave me alone for any stretch of time because she didn't trust me to not just ignore medical advice and start setting up that dark room I'd mentioned in the bathroom or worse try to go out taking pictures. I'd lost count of the number of times she'd threatened to call Bret and the actual times she'd done that. He was good natured enough about it but I could hear his frustration over the phone that I couldn't just sit and rest. It got to the point when William phoned and told me he was catching the first flight out to give me a good hiding which did settle me down a little, though I'd have liked to have seen him and did not for a minute believe he would do what he said.

Finally though I was able to leave the apartment and better still Bret had a few days off so was going to head to Washington to stay with us. I was beyond excited to see him, especially as I was now almost recovered from my injuries. When the door opened and he came into the apartment tears formed in my eyes and I swallowed hard. It was the longest we'd been apart since I joined the company and seeing him again was such a good feeling. He put his bag down and crossed the room, pulling me to him in a gentle embrace, conscious of holding me too tight and hurting me and then dropped his head to kiss me on the lips tenderly.

"I've missed you so much," I said softly.

"Me too, Angel. I wish I could've been here with you."

"You probably don't. I've been a terrible patient," I replied, smiling up at him. "Poor Dotty deserves a medal for putting up with me."

"Yeah well I'm not going to be too hard on you about that. I've been there and it's just the worst feeling when you're almost right but know you've got to wait longer before you can get back to normal. You look so much better though, Angel. More like you again."

"I feel more like me and now you're here you can take me out with my camera. Dotty has been pretty adamant I'm not allowed out on my own."

"Good, she's right. But yeah, we can do that," he said, with a warm smile. "Might even let you take me out after dark if you're good."

I brightened at that immediately. I'd missed being out with my camera and the thought of a night shoot genuinely gave me happy chills.

"Where is Dotty?" Bret asked.

"She just went to get groceries; she's planning on cooking a feast tonight I think. She's so relieved you're here for a few days."

"You been that much of a nightmare for her?" he joked and I giggled.

"Pretty much. She even got hold of William who threatened to come and whip my ass if I didn't behave."

Bret laughed out loud.

"Probably not an idle threat from William," he said and I shrugged.

"How is he? And Curt?"

"They're all good. Enjoying the scheduled break. William's headed back to England and Curt's gone home to his family too. It's nice to get a few days off to be honest; it's been intense. Ed has been run ragged trying to liaise with the various photographers who have been brought in to cover you. He can't wait to have you back."

"I've missed Ed," I mused. Glancing away from him I tentatively asked my next question. "And how's Mark?"

"Mark is Mark," Bret said with a shrug. "Tall, dark and grumpy."

"Seriously?" I asked and he sighed.

"He's been asking after you a lot, Angel. Feels awful about what happened but in a way he needs to. When you're in the ring you have to be careful of your opponent and aware of what's going on around you. He let the fact he was pissed about the documentary get to him and he made mistakes which caused serious injury. It's a lesson for him if nothing else."

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