Chapter Five

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"Didn't I tell you they were bad news, lassie," Dotty said. I shifted the phone to my other ear as we spoke and sighed.

"I just need to get out, Dotty. Tom is dangerous and I'm scared he'll really hurt me if I stay. The forms are in the post already and I've packed all my stuff. I'm leaving here today so you won't be able to contact me until I've moved into the bedsit which the agent said will be possible as soon as I have the forms back to them. If you just send them direct to the agency it'll be quicker."

"Where will you stay though? I'm worried for you."

"There's a motel not far from school. It's just a bus ride away so I'm gonna stay there a few days until I can move in."

"Is it safe?"

"I'm sure it will be. I'll be a lot safer there than I would be at home. I'm sorry Dotty, I really need to go. I want to empty the dark room as well while I'm here, get all my pictures and Dad's too. I'll call you when I can."

"Alright lassie, well you take care and you know where I am if you need me."

"Thanks Dotty." I hung up and turned to Jackie who was waiting anxiously by the door. "Sorry Jackie, I'll be five minutes. You can wait in the car if you want." She nodded and headed out, taking the last of my bags with her. It didn't take me long to get the photos I wanted to keep from the dark room. I got my own folder and took out a few of Dad's that I wanted to keep and then hurried to get in the car. As soon as we were off the driveway I heaved a sigh of relief.

"You ok?" Jackie asked, looking across at me.

"Yes I am now. Thanks Jackie, I really appreciate this and you picking me up from the hospital yesterday."

"You need to get your licence organised Angelina," she said and I smiled.

"I know. Just never seemed to be time to do it. Once I'm settled though I can do it."

"It's not that I mind helping you out. I'm just worried about you being on the bus everyday and if you need to move quick..."

"I'll be fine now. Maybe with me completely out of the house Tom can concentrate on his girlfriend."

"Ex girlfriend," said Jackie, glancing at me as she pulled up at a stop sign. "Megan dumped his ass when she heard what he did to you. And what he said about not missing her while he was away. He's such an ass. Bret punched the shit out of him though.I've never liked violence but can definitely make an exception for that dick."

I smiled as I remembered Bret pummelling Tom.

"Have you heard from Bret at all?"

"No. He took me to the hospital but when they kept me in he just went and he's working tonight," I replied, not wanting to say he'd walked out angry with me.

"You should call him," Jackie said and my eyes widened.


"Angelina, a guy doesn't kick the shit out of someone for nothing. Why do you think he did it?"

"He'd have done the exact same thing if it was you pushed in the pool," I said dismissively. Jackie shook her head.

"You didn't see his face when he pulled you out from under the water. He went white as a sheet, think he thought you were dead."

I didn't answer, just sighed. Things were complicated enough with moving out from home the way I had without adding Bret into the mix and I was still very conscious that my mother hated him and would hunt me down if she thought we were together. I was terrified of her after what she did the last time and couldn't face that happening again. For all I was going to be eighteen within the next few months I knew full well she would do the same again.

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