The Letter...

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Zidayah's POV

July 20,2011 --10:36am

I waited in the sidewalk of Oakland,by my house waiting for the mail-man to come. Looking side to side each minute to find which direction it will process.As I was patiently waiting my phone vibrated in the back of my pocket,I reached my hand to the back of my blue shorts and grab my phone.I didn't bother looking at the caller ID,I just slide my thumb on the screen,and position it in my ear."Hello," I said still looking for the mailman.

"You wanting for the mail-man too,huh," Deja said on the phone.I started to chuckled as I went to the edge of the side walk to sit down."Yup,been standing here for about ten minutes in my terms,"

"Oh my god,bruh,what would happen if we got accepted," I think on that question,and imagine if I got accepted.Me teaching little kids to dance like me,and show them my methods of how to calculate each foot step.I stop at my thought when I soon,saw the arrived of Mr.Goodman the mailman.

"Hey,Zidayah," He said high-fiving me. "Sup,did my letter came," I said all excited,I was jumping inside when I saw him dig in his mail-bag looking for a green letter from Oakland High School for Arts.When I saw him pulled out a packet,I started jumping off my shoes. "Here you go," He said with a smile,I took it calmly and started walking back inside my house while yelling "Thank You,"

I put my phone back on my ear,as I notice that I didn't hang up the call between me a Deja. "Don't open your packet yet,meet me and Dominick at Starbucks ASAP," I agreed and hang the phone.I ran to my Mom room and told her I be back in a little while,I went to the front door to grab my skateboard,and say "Goodbye" to my Giant Schnauzer,Midnight,as I open the door I put down my board,and roll down the hill in full speed.

After a few minutes,of traffic in the streets I made it Starbucks to see Deja and Dominick already sitting in the table waiting for me and looking at there letters in the table.I put my board down and sat on the free chair,I slide my letter in the table and was ready to process.We all look at each other and nodded,we grab our own letter and began ripping the sides,as the breeze glide threw my hair I felted as I was in a dangerous mission.

We all revealed our letters and unfold it slowly,as I read the words my heart began to pound on my chest,I was a fast reader so I already made it to the finally words,I breathe in and out,as my brown eyes roam threw the finally ten words.My eyes grew as I read

"Zidayah Carter,

You Have Been Accepted To Oakland High School for Arts!"

I jump out of my chair and began screaming as in the rest if us. " I got accepted!," I was screaming of joy when we all hug each-other.We all stop as we look at the people who was now staring at us,we burst out of laughter and began walking out the store with our letters in our hand.

August 20,2013 -- 7:30am

"Zidayah,lets gooooo," Deja said pulling inside Oakland High,it's my second year there and it's already tiring of me waking up early just to go to school.In middle school,school starts at 9:00am,but it's different here cause we have eight periods to attend,as she was continuing dragging me I stop and began walking on my own with my two feets. When we open the doors,we yelled "Hello,Oakland," as in one of our traditions every since we all got here last year."Finally,y'all here," we turned our head to see Dominick smiling at us,she always the sneaky type.I playfully push her,which made her push Bella,the principal daughter.She turned around while looking down at her pink shirt that had coffee spilled on it,we all started walking fast trying to avoid her screaming and yelling of "Who did this,I'm telling daddy,"

"You see what you did," Dominick said while hitting my arm.I rubbed my arm and smiled,"Not my fault she was drinking her coffee at the wrong time," I smirked to myself,I'm not that kind of mean person,I'm that nice person who cares about people,and make them feel good about themself. We made it to our first class which was Computer with Ms.Avila,she teaches us of how to edit music videos,and sounds.She was a very cool teacher for my opinion I don't know about the rest of them.


Thirty minutes past already and I was always bored out of my mind,I got up to go to the bathroom,I went in front of Ms.Avila desk and grab a pen for the sign-out.I began writing,and grabbed the pass along with it,cause sometimes these gooks be stealing the pass without even signing out,I put the pen down and started walking to the door,when I saw the blue sparkling tilted floor,I began stepping on them making a beat in my head.I jumped from square to square,as I guided my feet threw the floor,feeling the smoothest of the floor tiles felt like I was taking jazz class of syncing my feet with the smoothest of the bass.

I stopped when I bumped into someone,and fell straight to the floor,I landed on my butt and slide down a little.I looked up to see Amanda laughing at me,"My bad,watch where you going," She walk right pass me,not caring to help me up,I got up myself and felted my back pocket for my iPhone.I slide it off my pocket and look at it to see with anything cracked,lucky it didn't.I made it to the water fountain and bend down to take a sip of the cold cooling spring water."Another year,another beautiful girl I eye," I looked up to see the sweetest person,I ever had eyed on when I was fourteen, William. I smiled at him,as I blushed a little he always have his ways of making a girl blush. "Hey,William," I said processing for a hug,I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrap his strong arms around my waist and hug me tight.I use to like him when we was in middle school,but he was sometimes playful,way to playful.So I decided we just become good friends,with no benefits.We let go,when we heard someone cleared her throat,I look at the direction of the sound and Amanda of course,always stepping in on somebody business."William,come on the bell about to ring," she grabbed William arm and he released me she gave me a dirty look which means in her terms 'Back-off'.Before they was about to disappear from my sight he winked,I smiled and began walking to my class,I open the door and put the pass back where it belong,I went back to my sit which was in the third room and started packing my stuff.

My phone vibrated out if the blue,once again I grab it out of my pocket to see that I have a text message from Shay my dance teacher.

Shay: We have important news for you and the girls come by the dance studio after school to discuss.

I was slightly confused at that message as in Shay typed 'We'.Who is 'We'?,the bell ring and I grabbed my bag and started heading for the door,Dominick and Deja came behind and started mentioning about the text that,Shay, had send to us. "Umm,who is this 'We' she talking about?," Nicki said. "May be some important people,that want to met us," I said shrugging my shoulder,we made it in our Homeroom which was upstairs room 736. We made our way to the back and sat down."And who is these 'Important' people you talking about?," 

I shrugged again,like we not famous,even tho we go to a famous high-quality school,it doesn't mean anything."Maybe they saw one of our videos in YouTube," Nicki said.I kinda agree with her on that one,cause we do be making some dope videos,that usually hit one million views."Maybe so," Deja agreed.I slide down on my chair a little and folded my arm as I watch people talking to each-other.I took out my iPhone out of my pocket,it seems as in I'm addicted to my phone,as in my phone is my sweet drug of happiness.I unlock it and press my thumb against the Instagram icon,as it was refreshing I went to 'my likes' to see how many people liked the picture I posted yesterday. "Wow, 56,890 likes," I mumbled to myself,I looked up to see two people kissing.As usually I did my weird method of yelling something random "Wahhhh!!!," I said they stop and look at me as I notice that it was Stanley and Victoria. "Damn, Zidayah," he said laughing at me.Dominick and Deja started laughing so,did I.Being weird was so addicted to me.The second bell ring and in came our homeroom teacher,Mrs.Harrison,our drama teacher.

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