Chapter 1

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Morning, This is a rewrite of one of my older stories, formally called, Blinded By Love, I have deleted that story and re wrote a lot of it, because, I can. So here ya go.

Chapter 1

I was twelve when my grandfather sat me down, and talked to me about life, and what it may bring in the future. I didn't understand it all too much at the time, nor did I really pay attention, I was too busy focusing on my friends, and training to be the world's greatest fry cook.

Before he died told me to be careful with who I surround myself with, be careful around the girls, or boys, which ever I felt I was into when the time came. He taught me to trust my gut, to go with my instinct, to think with my head and not my heart.

Well, that's easy for him to say, when my heart did most of the thinking for me, and I had grown used to it, it is what got me to where I am in life now, its what kept me working at the Krusty Krab. At that time, I was young and didn't care about the girls, or building any romantic relationship, not that understood anything about it in the first place, even up until now, when I am in my mid-twenties, love is confusing, why did it have to hurt so bad?

On more than one occasion, I would hear the men, such as my father, and Mr. Krabs on occasion, tell me that Love can make you feel and think things you normally wouldn't, that it could make you blind to the things around you.

The person you think you'd want to spend the rest of your life with turns out to be a lie, leading you to stand at an empty alter, waiting for a future that would never start. While love is a wonderful thing, and can bring one happiness, it can be just as hurtful.

It is often hard to see the truth behind the foggy mirrors, when all you can think about is that one person, and how much you want to be with them, you ignore what is most important to you, the things your once good friends say begin sound like attacks to destroy your happiness, and make you think that they're out to hurt you.

You begin to push them away, the people you trusted and cared for you the most, so that you can pursue the love you discovered. While Love is magical, and has the power to do good, it is also powerful enough to destroy. By that time, it is already too late.

I'd never thought that I could find someone who gets me as much as she did. She was the sweetest, and the prettiest girl I had ever met, and she was all mine. No one in all the years that I lived on my own had made me feel the way she did.

Here I was, staring out a window as the love of my life changed sides, entering a place I never thought she would enter.

"I told Ye she was no good! And Ye didn't listen!" Mr. Krabs Shouted at me, but his words were muffled, this couldn't be it, it couldn't be, it had to be a dream, he wouldn't think of it any other way.


The doors swung open as the woman, a young sponge walked into the restaurant, clutching onto her purse, while Plankton ran out to the lobby to greet her.

"Did you get it! Did you get it!?" Plankton asked as he jumped up and down with excitement, barely able to contain himself, the sponge smiled, "Oh I got it sir." she grinned as she began to reach into her purse where she retrieved a white envelope.

"Is that really it?" Plankton asked shocked that his plan had worked, "Oh, this is it, I wrote down every word last night." she said as she began to hand him the envelope when the doors burst open.

"Spongebob!" both Plankton and the woman gasped, "Step away from that envelope!" Spongebob shouted at Plankton before his eyes matched with his girlfriend.

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