Hated Male Reader X Pyrrha

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(RWBY is owned by Montgomery Oum and Rooster Teeth. The only thing I own is the story. I'm starting this scenario collection off with my favourite girl of the cast, and her name is Pyrrha Nikos. I give special thanks to the one and only SkulloftheDeaths for inspiring me to make this chapter. Thanks, bro. I couldn't have done it without you.)

At Beacon, where people train to become huntsmen and huntresses...

Pyrrha was battling with Yang, and Pyrrha won the match. Everyone applauded her for a splendid battle. Her crush Y/N however, simply nodded and smiled. He was confident that his crush would easily defeat Yang, and man, was he proven right.

She never really understood Y/N as he never told her anything about himself. One thing she does know however, is that some people hated him, such as Ozpin, Glynda, and the teachers.

However, there were also people who liked you such as her team, Weiss, Roman and his gang, along with several others like Oobleck. Pyrrha always loved you from the very beginning.

Pyrrha wanted to know why. And man, is she determined to find out.

Y/N: Splendid fight, my dear. I always knew you would trounce her.

Pyrrha: Aw, thank you, Y/N. I knew you were watching with a proud smile.

Glynda: Yes, that was a splendid display, Pyrrha Nikos. The next match is Jaune VS... Y/N. Oum damn it.

Pyrrha: What was that?

Glynda sweated a little and gulped. Ozpin warned the teachers that Pyrrha could never know.

Glynda: N-Nothing!

Both Y/N and Jaune walked up to the arena and shook hands before they brought out their weapons.

Jaune: May the best fighter win.

Y/N: I'm going to enjoy this. It's been a while since I felt the urge to fight.

Glynda: Ready? Fight!

Y/N used his sword to bash Jaune's shield out of his hand. Due to Jaune's inexperience, he was quickly running out of aura from Y/N's ruthless attacks.


She marched straight up to him.


Y/N: Like you ever cared, you disgrace of an Aunt!

Glynda's eyes widened, then narrowed quickly.

Glynda: You get 2 hours of detention for unnecessary attacking.

Y/N: Perhaps if you actually did your fucking job right and teach us, this would not have been a problem!

Glynda: Another hour because I feel like it.

Y/N: You are just like the rest. One day, you will soon regret the day you messed with me!

Glynda: Class dismissed.

Later, everyone except Y/N was at the cafeteria eating lunch. Pyrrha was looking around for you.

Pyrrha: I wonder where Y/N is? I hope he's okay.

Jaune: Looks like Pyrrha is talking about her crush again~ Ah, to be young and in love...

Pyrrha blushed a little from Jaune's response.

Pyrrha: Jaune, could you not tease me about my feelings for him?

Jaune: Relax! I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just being playful, that's all.

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