Rejecting RWBY X Rejected Male Reader X Pyrrha, Neo, Cinder, Female Roman Part 2

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(RWBY is owned by Montgomery Oum and Rooster Teeth. I only own the story. This is basically the second part of the story. Just like the previous part, it's also a prototype of the full story, which I plan to make after this. Special thanks once again goes to SkulloftheDeath for inspiring me to make this. Thanks, comrade.)

You were cleaning things in your dust store.

It has been a few weeks since that day.

Y/N: Damn it, man.

Pyrrha: Sweetheart, where do you need this dust at?

Y/N: Over there, by the shelves.

She placed the dust on the shelves.

Y/N: Shit, what an explosion that was.

You opened the door to see the rest of your girlfriends.

Roma: Hey there, handsome~

You glared at Roma.

Roma: You're still mad, aren't you?

Cinder: You blew up the shop. Why wouldn't he be mad at you?

Roma: I said I was sorry! It's not my fault Team RWBY just showed up and attacked me here!

Cinder: That reminds me. How did they take the news?

Y/N: I reckon they were shocked.

Neo hugs you and kisses you on the cheek.

-With Team RWBY-

Ruby: There's just no way... That was too fast.

Weiss: It's our fault... We should have just talked with him... And now, we lost him forever.

Blake: I don't blame you for feeling that way. However, it's too soon to give up.

Weiss: I'm facing reality. I hurt his delicate feelings...

Yang: I've got a plan! We find whoever Y/N's dating with, and beat them up! Then they'll blame him, and they'll leave him! We'll comfort him after that, and he'll be ours again!

Ruby: Honestly, I don't know, Yang. Even if I were to go along with you, I doubt Y/N would be pleased. He'd sooner kill us, if not send us to the medical bay. Fine. I'll go with you. Just don't get your hopes up, okay?

Blake: Ugh... I'll go. But, I'm gonna try and reason with them first.

Weiss: I am not doing any more damage to Y/N! You can count me out!

Yang: Your loss. BANZAI!

Yang ran off.

Ruby: Ugh... Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the mature little sister and Yang is the childish big sister.

Blake: I don't blame you for thinking that, Ruby. And I'm not going to like hurting them.

Ruby: Me neither. But, Yang's my big sister. I'll just ensure they're not beaten to a pulp.

Ruby and Blake walked out while Weiss stayed in her room. 


Ruby: Okay, what's the plan?

Blake: He said he had 4 girlfriends. So, we each spy on the women.

Yang: This'll be way too easy!

Ruby: And there she goes again, getting too cocky. Ugh, let's just get this over with.

They walked their separate ways.

You were dancing with Pyrrha in a nightclub.

Y/N: I never knew you liked these places, Pyrrha.

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