Ex Ruby X Ex Boyfriend Reader X Pyrrha Part 1

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(RWBY is owned by Montgomery Oum and Rooster Teeth. I only own the story. Again, I give special thanks to SkulloftheDeath for inspiring me to make this.)

You were not a good person. Well, sort of. Allow me to explain for you. Your parents were killed by Ozpin and James at the age of 12. Since then, you wandered the streets until Roman found you and offered adoption.

It took a while, but eventually you warmed up to Roman. He wasn't a bad person at all, he just had a bad past and the world shaped him like that. 

You eventually grew up with Pyrrha and Ruby and they fell in love with you and literally fought over you, though you stopped them from fighting.

Pyrrha eventually found you and she was glad to have found you. She was concerned about you, but she decided that you were simply having a hard day. 

Ruby, however, instead of being fair, said she loved you and wanted to be your girlfriend while giving Pyrrha the tongue. This earned her a very angry glare from you, showing her that you weren't going to put up with her immaturity. Ruby apologised to Pyrrha and everything was okay between the two of them.

But that was 4 months ago.

You just got done doing an errand for Roman. Some said that a 21 year old couldn't do it. Well, if they knew your Semblance, they would shut the fuck up and apologise.

When you went to the kitchen and saw a cookie, you began to remember what happened between you and Ruby.


Y/N: What is taking her so long? Damn! Doesn't she know there is a limit to my patience?!

You were at the cookie store waiting for Ruby. She didn't know how much you hated going there.

Nobody knew you were Roman's adopted son and that you were in his gang, but there were still rumours.

You felt a tap on your shoulders and saw you girlfriend Ruby.

Ruby: Sorry I'm late! I just had a talk with my team.

Y/N: Well, at least you apologised. Now then, shall we?

Ruby: Yes, let's go!

After buying cookies for Ruby, she needed something from the weapon store. You then went and got her the weapon part she needed. Afterwards, you noticed she was keeping distance from you.

It wasn't until you were near Beacon you realized that Ruby has not said anything to you. You pulled her near you so you could talk.

Y/N: What is with you, Ruby?

Ruby: Huh? What do you mean?

Y/N: Don't be a fool! You haven't said a word for a while. I never thought that it would be possible besides when you're asleep.

You then heard Ruby sigh.

Ruby: Y/N, we need to talk.

Y/N: Very well. What's on your mind?

Ruby: My team has been talking to me about this.

You snarled. They never liked you except for Weiss. Not even Yang liked you. Even though you two were childhood friends, you always dominated her in a fight which then lead to her cutting ties with you.

That sore loser needs to take a lesson in maturity.

Ruby: Well... I'm not sure how to say it...

You then held her hand.

Y/N: Just say it, Rosebud.

Ruby shook at that, making you worry and all.

Ruby: Can we... be friends?

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