yelenas escape...(the beginning)

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*everyone knows blackwiddow and her past...her mistakes her wrongdoings but what about what made her blackwiddow and what about the place she comes from... What about the red room and the other widows that were made into killers... One escaped but the rest were left behind forever trapped in the horrors of men, experiments, blood, murder and it remained that way for a long time....but first the beginning of the story must start*


*it started with two girls...and two adults the adults worked for the red room one was a widow raised in the life and eventually was in, charge of finding more widows along side a male to help her they were named Melina and alexi as for the girls one was Natasha and another yelena they grew up like sisters... Natasha knew the truth about the red room and the horrors it had but yelena did not and she grew up happy and for a while so was Natasha.... Natasha got used to normal life with yelena even saw her as a sister...until yelena turned 6 and something happend as the girls were eating dinner alexi and Melina took the girls to the red room base where there was military and a bunch of guns...seeing as yelena never knew any of this she was scared the second she woke up she ran and a guard caught her but Natasha grabbed the gun from the gaird and was ready to kill for her...until alexi talked her down and then the girls were separated eventually and taken into the red room program Natasha was sent to learn how to kill while yelena was made to attend school where they programed your brain to behave, kill, sleep do anything they wanted but that also came with a ton of pain... Basically they beat, tormented, and brutalized yelena while Natasha was given luxuries for killing... Or that's how yelena saw it all she knew was her sister or who she thought was her sister get pain, freedom, choices, but what she didn't know was that the red room was hurting her too just not in the same ways eventually one sister got out... Natasha but not yelena think of Hydra and the Soilders they made kinda like that but female and in a more complete way...yelena was able to escape but not for a long long time*

*one day*

Red room agent:here's your mission complete it...

Yelena:as you wish...

*yelena listened as she always does and gears up and she gets her suit, her weapons, her communication, and more and she was accompanied by a widow they waited on the rooftop of some building waiting for their target the only information they know of is that she's an ex widow and highly dangerous and for all the red room knows a threat to them..yelena spots the target and engages*

Yelena:I see the target in engaging before we loose her call backup!

*Yelena jumps down the side of the building and she grabs the target and they fight until the target shoots something in yelenas face setting her free from the mind control but not before Yelena stabbed her...the widow dies but Yelena is confused... Angry and feeling guilty all at the same time because she killed someone and she doesn't know what's going on as well as knowing... She only knew she had to run she took the briefcase the target was holding and just ran... She ran and stole a car she checked the gas and saw a full tank and she bolted*


*Yelena got her shit together... Well as well as one can and she found Natasha she was an Avenger and on the news so it was easy she went to Avengers tower and she saw Natasha and Natasha looked at Yelena and she looked guilty, angry and confused*

Natasha:who are you...

Yelena:you, don't remember your sister...

Steve:sister...who is this and why didn't security take care of her

Yelena:they tried...natasha it's me Yelena

Tony:as in the widow your white widow


Nat:leave...niw I don't wanna see you

Yelena:why not... Your my sister

Nat:It was a long time ago and you were in the red room

*Yelena felt hurt she traveled so far to find Natasha she was angry but wanted her sister.. She doesn't know how to live anymore she was used to the red room since 6 years old she doesn't know a thing Yelena put on a fake smile*

Yelena:I was....ubtil a few days ago I don't remember much I don't know anything outside the red room

Natasha:a few days ago? The red rooms. Been gone for years

Yelena:ni it hasn't and it's still happening to clearly don't care tho ur an avenger now I didn't know that ment being a dick and turning your sister away despite the past

*Yelena leaves and bumps into bucky*

Bucky:hey...u look familiar

Yelena:I know I get that a sorry

*Yelena runs off and she leaves the avengers and she gets outside and the car she stole is being taken*


Bucky:need a ride?

Yelena:I guess... I'm sorry I don't wanna bother u

Bucky:u stole a car...i think u need my help and I'm offering plus I can learn about you ur from the red room I guess a rouge widow

Yelena:I guess... I escaped their control with a price.. And I know nothing about living I don't even have a place to stay..

Bucky:I'm offering help

Yelena:no... Idk why I'm telling you this

Bucky:because you know I'll help.. Plus I know Natasha she's stubborn and a dick cmon I'll give u a ride and food and stuff I've been where u are in a way... So I'd be more than Happy to help

*Bucky goes to his car and Yelena reluctantly follows*

Yelena:thank you this means more than you know....

Bucky:well it's no big deal I have plenty of room anyways

*Bucky drives Yelena to his house and Yelena sees it's huge*

Yelena:wow...ive never seen a house so pretty

Bucky:youll experience a lot that seems awsome until your used to living in society

*Yelena gets out and she gets her knife ready in case and she goes inside the house with Bucky*

Bucky:you don't need that knife... It'd safe here that and I could kill anyone with my arm

Yelena:oh.. Okay.

*Yelena still keeps it out but she let's her gsurd down but not fully*

Bucky:so what do you like to eat...

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