god help the widow

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*nothing happend that night...since amp is a lot of money, Yelena was only able to get one once she woke up in the morning it was out of her system...she went downstairs and she smelled the food Bucky was making but she was not hungry enough to eat so she didn't eat st all and she went into the bathroom and she threw up in the bathroom toilet she just did it was from not having amp in her  and she started to have flashes...see since she used amp she didn't remember anything past leaving Natasha and that night besides their whistle everything else was gone... The sister memories it was gone but slowly she felt flashes like she's starting to remember and Yelena starts to tear up because she's a mess rn for one and two Natasha didn't want her and this was just another reminder*


*Yelena screams being angry and she just cries in the bathroom feeling sick from withdraw...theres a reason this shit is illegal it's so addictive it's basically like meth so sheild hid the drug that and rouge widows know of it so it has to remain hidden the rest   of the world would instantly become addicted... Humans are known to take the easy way out*

Bucky:hey... Are you okay

*Yelena stops crying and she sighs*

Yelena:yes...im not hungry right now

Bucky:your remembering Yelena...i can get you a job but you have to keep your shit together or I loose everything as an Avenger no one can know you are a widow besides Natasha and the Avengers I can get your name changed and everything...

Yelena:shut up...ill be out of your hair soon enough don't worry

Bucky:is the amp really worth your life Yelena you have lost enough of it

Yelena:fuck you...

*Bucky sighs...he wanted to help her but he also wasn't gonna force her to stay she's had men tell her what to do her whole life her life her choice...but Bucky also wasn't gonna let her die doing amp either he finished breakfast and then does the dishes by then Yelena comes out of the bathroom and she looks okay her makeup covers her horrible red eyes and to help with the lack of sleep...yelena decided one thing... She'll never show weakness around anyone ever again just as Bucky decided he is gonna help Yelena... Because he loves her*


*Yelena stole some amp in the middle of the night...it had been about a week and she couldn't contain remembering anymore that was until on the way back she was encountered by Bucky he grabbed her and she fought him when he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an Alley she got mad and she knew it was him but she attacked him anyways and Bucky blocked every attack she made but she just made more Bucky ended up kicking her onto the ground... Yelena could have ewon but she was weakend due to her current state*

Bucky:Yelena you agreed to let me help you...now let me help you give me the amp

Yelena:why...why do you care so fucking much!

Bucky:because your me! I've been there under the influence of amp of revenge of pain and anger I get it!  But all of this isn't good it isn't worth anything the amp isn't worth your life!

*Yelena hands it over and Bucky breaks it with his metal hand and Yelena looks at Bucky but when he looks at her she looks away.... She was too ashamed to look him in the eye to face him she was doing so good she had a job... Like Bucky can hook someone up in hours...but it was all too much at one time  she couldn't do it all it felt like it was too much Bucky understood that she felt guilty but as far as he was concerned she deserved it in that moment and he walked Yelena home and from then on ignored her.... She deserved to feel like shit after all that's what she did to him when he saw her get amp again*

Yelena:Im sorry...

Bucky:no ur not if you were you wouldn't have gotten the amp again

*Bucky leaves Yelena alone and he goes to his room and Yelena just stands there... Lost and alone and in that moment she left him no word no packing no warning she just left.... She thought she had to keep moving to keep going if she didn't she would be caught...besides Bucky only had her around for pity and what ever "love" he thinks he feels...yelena justified her leaving with that and she left and she killed someone and took their apartment in the same building as Bucky but on a different floor who would think she's in the same building as king as she's careful she can blend into any environment....soon she looked around and found some money and she went shopping and returned to find Bucky"

Bucky:leaving now...

Yelena:fuck off...

Bucky:why stay in my apartment building

Yelena:my sister...plus maybe I didn't wanna leave you just yet..

Bucky:you killed someone

Yelena:we all die... Not my problem

Bucky:not your problem...

Yelena:I'm not the one dead....ehy should it be my problem

Bucky:you sound like a killer

Yelena:j am one...just like you don't forget where we are from Bucky or should I say winter soldier

*Bucky gets up fast in rage and he grabs Yelena gentle but firmly*


*Bucky leaves and Yelena locks the door... She felt bad and she knew she hit a nerve but she didn't care she was done... She'll hide out until she can find a place of her own and survive little by little... She didn't need him nor anyone else she never did... All she needs is amp or something the only enemy that can defeat a widow is herself and seeing as Bucky is angry with her and Yelena is all alone and her sister doesn't want her id say she's ruining her life perfectly already question is how far will her self destructive behavior last and where will she end up when it does*

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