yelenas job

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*they hadn't talked... Yelena was stealing what ever goods she can from the Avengers tower while everyone is busy that and she's hiding in plain sight she notices Bucky but she doesn't do anything and she keeps her cover... She was gonna stop the amp and try to fix things with Bucky but I guess it's a defense mechanism she wanted to run and with the amp she didn't have to worry about her loving Bucky or feeling totally alone without him... And Natasha she just wanted it all gone and amp does that... She ended up being able to leave the avengers tower but as she got into her car she noticed Bucky and he saw her yelena acted cool and normal and quickly pulled out and left and goes back to a hotel she checked intocesrleir that morning and she unpacks the amp she stole...she sees there's enough to last a month and then she grabs two doses which is dangerous but at this moment.. She's all alone and doesn't know much about the world she's in it went from the red room to trying to find Natasha to Bucky to now nothing well nothing but amp yelena took the two doses and she fell onto the ground*


* an hour later she wakes up in a bed and Natasha and Bucky are sitting around her and yelena is hooked up to a heart monitor and yelena suddenly feels a sharp pain all over and then, she remembers taking a ton of amp and then almost dying the amp was in Bucky's hands and he is looking at Natasha yelena was too weak to move she felt so drained so she just layed there and waited for more strength to let them know she's up so she acted like she was asleep*

Bucky:she's addicted...

Nat:u think

Bucky:shut turned her away I was there for her..

Nat:j turned her away because I had too she'd understand you.. You didn't do it for you you did it to try to help yourself feel better.

Bucky:stop acting better then me or Natasha just because your an avenger doesn't mean it washes away all that God damm murder and blood

*Nat become silent and she sighs and just leaves yelena felt less overwhelmed with just Bucky and she slowly moves her hand and Bucky notices and sees she's awake*

Yelena:ignore her...

Bucky:I plan on it... R u ok

*Yelena made a choice right there... She couldn't run from her past so she embraced it*

Yelena:no...but then again neither are you

*Yelena stabs Bucky with a knife she hid in her pants and she gets up and she is weak but she sucks it up and grabs her suit from the red room and weapons while Bucky takes the knife out and he glares at Yelena*

Bucky:after all I've done for you... After all we have felt toward each other how can you do this...

Yelena:I was stupid to believe I was free... I can't run not from the red room not even by dying so why not it's who I am maybe that's why I can't run and frankly maybe I liked killing better...

*Yelena kicks Bucky in his face knocking him out and she grabs her things and jumps out the window and escapes just when Natasha comes in and she sees Bucky and calls the Avengers and Yelena steals a car and goes to a hotel and talks to an old agent about money and where Dreykov is and when he doesn't answer she simply kills him  by slitting his throat and then she leaves him for his wife and kids to see and she gets out of town before the Avengers are on her tail... One problem tho she needs money because money and fear can get you anything*


(Mini chapter I've been sick so I'll post more when I can... Who do you like more killer Yelena or Yelena who is trying to heal)

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