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After finishing up at work, I gave Jayden a call to check up on them. According to him, they were at my apartment.

How did he find the time to hang out with Jayden?

Since the launch is tomorrow, I figured he would be super busy.

Perks of being the CEO.


"Mummy!" Jordan exclaimed as soon as she saw me enter.

"Hey sw.... Oh my God!!!!!"

I looked at all the different kind of toys loitering my living room. From dolls, to cars, to actions figures, to fill houses.

Jayden was sitting on the floor holding a remote control.

"Jayden and I had so much fun today." She said as she clutched two huge teddy bears.

"I can see that." I looked at the mess of toys in front of me. "Jayden." I gave him a stern look. "A word."

I began walking to my room and he followed suit.

"What the hell Jayden? When I told you to have fun with Jordan, I didn't ask you to buy her an entire toy store." I whisper yelled

"Technically, I didn't buy her entire toy store. I just bought a few things f..."

"A few? You call those....." I pointed at my door. "A few things." I put my hand on my forehead.

"It's just toys. Why are you getting so worked up?" He crossed his arms which made his biceps look bigger.

Not now Ash.

"You're spoiling her Jayden. You need to learn how to say no and mean it. That's the first step in becoming a parent."

"And what self help book taught you that?"

I glared at him.

"Besides, why would I say no if I can afford it?" He smirked at me.

"To discipline her of course. You are really bad are this parenting thing."

"You worry too much." He turned and reached for the door knob.

"I mean it Jayden, no more excessive spending."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He slammed the door.


I walked back to the living room and saw Jordan placing some dolls into the doll house.

"Jayden, Jordan for the love of God, take these toys out of my living room." I stomped back to my room.

I'm pretty sure I heard Jordan whisper 'Why is she grumpy?'


"Come on Sweetie. We need to go." I yelled as I began packing up her necessities.

"Coming mummy....." I heard a few giggles before Jayden appeared, holding Jordan in his arms.

"Can Jayden come with me to Aunt Naomi's?" She gave me puppy eyes.

"Sorry sweetie, your daddy has work too."

"I don't understand why you two need to work at night." She gave me a frown and looked away.

That statement made me feel really guilty.

Haven't I been spending enough time with her?

"Pumpkin. Remember what we talked about?" He smiled.

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