Chapter 12: The Note

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I put my stuff down on the floor and walked into my bedroom. I grabbed a book and got into my bed. I start reading, and after about 30 pages, I turn the page, and the book is hollowed out. Inside is a slip of paper

I grab it and open it "Hello, this isn't how want this to happen, I don't want this at all, but I feel as it must be done, Cassie, I love you so much, I don't want you to blame yourself for this, I did it quick, I tried to make it painless. And mom, I love you so much as well. I know you will make this community better by the day. I love everyone, and it's no one's fault but mine, I can't explain why I did it, but I did, Love, Peter Johnson." I start crying, I'm sad, mad, and scared.

I stomp quickly outside, and the gates are opening. Everyone is staring at me. I walk to their car and slam my fist on the window. "What the hell is this?" I yell, squeezing the paper. He opens the door and gets out. He grabs my arms. "I can explain, just not here," he says. "Ok, fine, come on," i say, walking to the house. I open the door, and he follows me and cracks the door behind him.

"Ok, look, I wrote that a couple of months ago. I'm fine now," he says. "Why, Peter, why!" I yell. "What am I not good enough?" I ask, yelling. "No, you're perfect," he says. "So, why?" I say. "I hate it here," he says. "Then leave, don't kill yourself over it!" I yell. "No, not the commonwealth, this world, the way it is now," he says. "Why didn't you talk to me?" I say, continuing to cry

"I- I didn't know how to tell you." He says. "Does your mom know?" I ask. He pauses, "No, but please don't tell her." He says. "I won't, but don't kill yourself," I say. "I'm not, ok? I'm not, " he says sternly. "Ok," I say. He hugs me tightly , and the front door slams shut. He lets go and looks to it. "What was that?" He asks
"I don't know," I say. He walks to the door and looks outside the window. "I don't see anyone," he says.

The window shatters, and Peter collapses. Blood splashes on my face and body. "PETER!" I scream, diving to the ground near him. He grunts in pain. He was shot in his arm. I run and grab my pistol and walk slowly to the door. I open the door, and no one is outside. I run inside and grab my walkie-talkie. "Hannah, do you copy?" I ask. "Yeah, I copy what's up, Cassie." She says,"Peter was shot, and I can't find who did it." I say worried. "Oh my God, ok, I'm coming," she says. "Ok, bring a medic," I say.

"We can't find who did it, but we found a casing from the gun." Hannah says, walking towards me, handing me a bullet casing. "Ok, so?" I say. "It's from our gunsmith," she says. "So it's someone that's here," I say. "Yeah, I'll go ask the gunsmith who the last buyers were." She says, walking away. I get up and walk towards the infirmary, I look inside and see Peter lying on a bed.

"Hey, pete," I say, sitting on the bed. "Pete? Pete?" I say shaking him. "He's ok, well he will be," Dr. Johnson says, sitting in the dark. "Ok, thank you," I say. "Yep," he says, lighting a cigar. "So, you know who did it?" He asks. "No, but your wife found a bullet case. It's one made by our gunsmith." I say,"Hmm, ok, " he says. "Extra bed here, if you wanna stay with him." He says "Ok sure, thanks, " I say, smiling lying down on the bed.

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