Welcome Home

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            I wrote the German Version , this IS the Translation . Will be polished a little bit ...



Sinbad had actually intended to rest, but the plans would be upset again as a small crew of sailors Set  port by Rem. They weren't looking for a fight, that was a positive thing. But her ship looked really battered. The fair-haired woman felt more sorry for the poor ship than for that one Crew.
As a passionate craftsman, ehr Woman… that was probably a flaw that you couldn't turn off . Quite a few craftsmen believed in the soul of a loved object, which itself revealed only to a select few. Rem was a trading town, more than that, it owned alongside the great Water Seven a large  guild and shipyard. But other than those mentioned city but also a merchant fleet. All assisted by a mysterious king, whom no one ever saw. At least they said that of the public.

Many years ago Rem was ruled by a benevolent king who himself was very gifted with his hands, but because of his blood he was allowed to have this talent use only to a limited extent. He had beautiful daughters but no son. Some of his daughters married in other kingdoms and it was also said with one celestial Dragon themseld. His dearest daughter stayed in Rem and was also married, but presented fate tried the old king when his dearest daughter found herself in fell in love with a nobleman who had lost his kingdom and decides  being a pirate . He became known as the Dark King and was the right hand of the known  Pirate King. It was long a secret, until the young, wed queen in fever dreams talked about her loved one. Not her husband, the new king of Rem. no, from "that pirate" Raleigh Silvers. Too bad that the brother of the new king heard this, the old king exiled from Rem and Struck down his own brother to claim the throne for himself .

Since the young queen did not bow to the tyrant, she was placed in a dungeon locked up. The Princess who was no longer his niece but the daughter of a Pirates, was enslaved and sold. But the queen then took herself her life. And yet, years later, the hope of the citizens, which seemed to have died out, came a person on the scene who dethroned the tyrant . Not up bloody way, then the new Mysterious King wouldn't be any better either as the tyrant, no. The tyrant had been forced to live like a beggar, ordered to the Goodness of men, no one was allowed to shed their blood. The mysterious king proclaimed a parliamentary monarchy and gave the Citizens new rules and a plan how they survived. Those who were willing to help others should not starve, even if they had no gold at hand.

It took a while for the change to permeate, everyone saw an advantage and prosperity grew again. Yet they swear to their liberator to keep his or her identity before the to keep the outside world secret. The news of the mysterious king who Artisans' Guild , Merchant Fleet shined again and slowly uniting the North made the rounds and worried the world government. But they didn't want to risk messing with the people who helped them could offer the best goods. For plenty of gold, of course. So would they tolerate the north bathed in sweat. And spare the kingdom. haha Joke. He'd rather spare her. A king of old blood, how do you think said. Someone who knew the ancient scriptures and prophecies and the power of the Divine Hakis...that could only mean danger if you looked for such a person as an enemy.

But even in the old tales, the North was always the Most resilient and seaworthy people in history. For moderate Areas probably classified a bit too wild or barbaric. Also, the other blues and the world government were very reluctant to allow them to saw things with pirates looser. who did not harm the civilian population, was tolerated. No wonder the navy massacred women here had to find Roger's sweetheart Even the navy decided in the north to take down the world government flags and adhere more to the Navy Code and less to the World Government Code. That too was tolerated. And at the same time had the mysterious king, of which one is only shrouded in legend heard stories, never even a threat towards world government pronounced. However, one probably did not want to bring about this circumstance. This king had overthrown a monarchy without bloodshed. The north had already weathered a lot. You would with a king like that no longer stand up to them if you went against them again. Kings or Tyrannhaki was one thing, but only someone who had that and having lost everything could attain the Divine Hakis. Maybe was there an unknown male heir to the throne of Rems? Nobody outside thought considering that the mysterious person might even have their way had crossed and maybe was not male at all….

Sinbad headed for the inn, if newcomers appeared, that was fine The best place to unlock information. And fact, the story was really amazing. The crew was pretty small. You've dealt with the Calm Belt twice , once they were caught on an island in the East Blue's Calm Belt and she had cobbled together a nutshell and using devil fruit the Escaped doom and now with a bigger ship than them had already passed the grandline in a storm and came back in the Quiet Belt were thrown. Of course she had made it back out there, but unfortunately on the wrong side. "Where on the Grandline are we now exactly?"
"You definitely need a navigator or someone ist able top keep your ship repaired and knows how to navigate..." The blond woman just laughed. "Unfortunately, the ship cannot be saved, but you could build it from scratch, but you  would notice that it is different. The nutshell, on the other hand, is sure to save ... ", she said to the comment of one of the shipyard people. She turned to the pirate captain. “You are in the North Blue, in the far wild north. The unpredictable Blue . Phoenix from the ashes "
The black haired one supported : "North Blue?" he whispered. "I was born in North Blue," he confessed, twitched at the thought together, as if he might have said too much. Sinbad eyed the young man. Presumably his parents had fled to protect their child from the slaughter to protect him. He should be just the right age. Not knowing exactly that Kid, having the whole search twenty years ago in front of you, the tyrant had supported the endeavor of world government. She herself had just died heard news of the atrocities. "Welcome Home, then"

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