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The evening was long, there was feasting and lots of drinking. And literally celebrating.

When Deuce went to the guest room of the inn that night that he used with his captain, he discovered that Ace was not alone.
“The Boss Lady,” as Sindbad now  was called by them, held Ace tightly in her arms and both of them slept peacefully.
However, the light blue-haired man apparently read too much into this, and with a bright red face he left the room.

The loud closing of the door woke them both from their sleep. Sindbad grumbled quietly and was rubbing his eyes. Ace, on the other hand, started so abruptly that Sinbad almost rolled out of bed, as she had previously been half lying on the spade. She heard a quick burst of Haki and not a second later she felt Ace's arm on her shoulder. He must have realized his mistake and saved the blonde from falling. He pushed her back against him. The expression on his face clearly showed that he was thinking about something.

He also noticed that the bed was far too narrow to spread out. And as he leaned over her and looked at her, he decided to just let himself fall on top of her. Unexpectedly! But Sinbad's reaction to this was laughter. There was something refreshing about him being so normal with her. Sure, some would see this behavior as boorish, but not Sinbad. Her finger stroked through his raven black hair. “So you really have king’s haki... I just suspected it, but you really do...” "Huh what?" “Haki…at least that’s what we call it. Other cultures may call it something different. Actually every living being has Haki but very few can really use it, you even have King’s Haki, that is very rare and cannot be learned, you have it or you don't have it..." Ace raised his head and looked at her askance. “Have you ever been annoyed or afraid and everyone around you suddenly collapsed?” Ace seemed to think of something. His expression became startled.
“Obviously I'm right... King Haki isn't the only Haki though. There are also Armor Haki and Providence Haki, unlike the first one, you could also learn these with immense endurance and willpower. Armor Haki is as the name suggests: it generates armor, Prediction Haki allows you to see attacks before they happen or to detect people or living beings with their aura..."
“I think I do the latter a lot subconsciously… but I don’t think Armor Haki makes sense for me… I’m a Logia user after all”
“Just because you're a Logia user... doesn't mean you can't be hit by Armor Haki... on the contrary. Armor Haki can also hurt you. You shouldn't rely only on devil power. would be a real waste if you had this rare ability and didn't use it. If you have King Haki, it is easier to train the other two forms. In the New World there are many strong opponents who have mastered these skills. And with King Haki you unintentionally attract exactly these strong opponents. Koenigshaki users attract themselves in inexplicable ways” Ace sighed in defeat. Oh man. His blood wasn't enough of a curse.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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