Maybe it's destiny

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The pirate loosened up after a while and introduced himself as Ace. More beauiful. memorable. Different. And his faithful companion was named Masked Deuce. The latter had medical knowledge and said it would be a pleasure for him if he could help. The town's old doctor was even a little delighted.
"And I thought I had to teach you some manners" Ace raised an eyebrow.
"He was an admiral in the Navy and after that a long time as an instructor and medic, without I certainly wouldn't be here anymore. I appreciate him a lot," grinned Sinbad and brushed a strand of blond hair away from his face. The old gentleman grumbled something to cover his embarrassment. They watched the medics leave the tavern again.

Apparently the newcomers already had the rules here in the north understood. Like ITS in their blood.
And they didn't even have to explicitly explain it to them must. Do good and good will come to you. Ace finally let out a long sigh and looked a bit thoughtful. "It's not bad about the ship, we stole it from a slave trader after we freed them" Astonishing. "You guys are really weird pirates" Ace looked at her, puzzled. "A good strange, of course," she added placatingly.

Days passed and the shipyard decided to build a new ship, laid but not immediately open that it was for the crew. Apparently, the other craftsmen were pleased to see Sinbad cheerful. That pirate was the reason, so he should be fine. It became a little ritual when Ace entered the inn, those with "Welcome home," to greet. Sinbad had started it. And eventually the rest of those present did the same. But that little ritual seemed to be getting to Ace more and more. One evening some shipyard people, the pirates and some close ones had each other Familiar people to Sindbad  reunited when Ace rejoined them once more.

He was popular with the children, often practicing knots with them or telling stories Stories mostly from his younger brothers. But he also seemed to go down well with the ladies, he heard him people's stories and caught himself like him every now and then Sinbad stared after him.

She was appreciated by everyone here and beautiful even when she was tired or exhausted was always being there for everyone. She was certainly more than just an employee of the shipyard. people loved her. And then there was this strange beggar who was mostly from everyone was shunned. He cleaned shoes. Or thanked for leftovers that you gave him, but man realized that people despised him. It seemed like he was going to be the opposite of Sinbad. That made Ace suspicious.

So it had been a week since the "ritual" started, today it didn't leave him indifferent, he burst into tears, fell on his knees and begged Forgiveness. Sinbad bent down to him. "Hey, hey...Ace. What's going on?"

"It's my fault that the north has had to experience so much suffering. Just because I been born" He was breathing irregularly and clutching his chest. "I am the Pirate King's son. I do not deserve your welcome wishes and certainly not your hospitality and your cordiality" Sinbad was a bit taken aback. "Don't talk nonsense"
"No, it's true! I'm Roger's son"

"I didn't mean that by  nonsense, Ace," Sinbad said seriously.

"It is nonsense that you are to blame, neither you nor Roger are suffering for this fault" He didn't want to hear that and put his hands over his ears. Sinbad took a deep breath.

Actually, she didn't want to resort to these means, but Ace just let her no other chance.
. He caught a resounding slap in the face. "Why did you do that?"
"I don't know. I felt like it" She shrugged her shoulders.
It had become quiet in the dining room of the tavern. "Well, if you think you owe the North anything, there is in the Did something you have to do", she turned away and sat down at the Counter. "What is it?" "Live your life without regretting even a moment of it, best even twice or even a thousandfold" Those words sounded so familiar to him. "And don't die senseless or I'll kick you after my own death up the ass"

She then laughed softly. "Your survival isn't a curse, Ace. It's more like the flaring one A spark of hope that will burn bright again" Ace considered those words. "Perhaps it was fate that you of all people call this devil power your own may and maybe it was fate that we are here and now encounter" "You are the Mysterious King," Ace mumbled his guess.

"I'm just a normal person like you. Most nobles are nothing more than tyrannical pirates, but protected by the world government ... they are of no use to society"
"No, you're more of the 'strange pirate' form and the beggar that's everyone's critically the former tyrant" Sinbad chuckled. "Savvy and observational... My name is Sinbad Van Rem. Or Sinbad Silvers Van Rem, I don't know if I should leave the Silvers out"
" Portgas D. Ace or Gol D. Ace I don't know if should call myself Gol D " Ace sat down next to her.

Silence. Thank they laugh.
"You're Silvers Raleigh's Daughter" "Funny story, my mother was heir to the throne of the country, but because of old customs she had to marry a nobleman, his brother is the lovely one Guy you already identified as a former bully. Stupidly Marriage does not guarantee love, she fell in love with the former heir of the Dark Kingdom , who himself lived like a beggar before becoming Roger connected"

She told him about the history of her country and her experiences Page. "You were in Mary Joa and in a circus and in the Navy for a while, came back to find everything in shambles and yet no one connects outside the north your name with the Mysterious King"

"It's my decicion...when I left the Navy I longed for one simple life , it was a small island in the new world, unusual calm for this situation, I got married and was pregnant but someone sent World government agents and murdered everyone in the small village, I survived the thing . I was stabbed several times in the stomach and abdomen. I will probably never be able to get pregnant again. I just hoped I could die too. Vincent the old doctor found me with a young pirate emperor in tow and when I recovered, I returned to Rem and made a way how no one else in North Blue can be harmed by world government would.

There will be a war if Roger's prophecy comes true and the Right The time has come, it will shake the world, the whole truth disclose..." Ace had to digest what he had been told. "But why couldn't Roger do it himself?"
"That's a good question, but unless someone finds the One Piece again, We probably won't know that answer"
"What if I'm not the right person to find it, fulfill and overshadow his name. What if I'm just a supporting character  in someone else's story?"

"Well... maybe we all are, Ace. In that case, we'll probably have nothing Other than the path for that someone to levels and every day enjoy as if it were our last. to celebrate with all your might and to fight until the world shines a little bit brighter" "Sounds easier and than done"
"Well, I guess that's always the problem, but If you dont try you cant win either..."

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