06| Chances And Choices

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15th September 1998

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15th September 1998.

Hermione impatiently tapped her foot on the revolving staircase as it took her further and further up, until it stopped, revealing a narrow hallway. Her heart was frantic in her chest as if wanting to escape.

She crossed the threshold and knocked on the door.

"Come in," McGonagall's voice floated from inside as the door swung open.

"Headmistress," Hermione greeted with a nod and McGonagall smiled at her.

"Have a seat, Miss. Granger."

'Is everything okay? Cho said you asked to see me. Are Harry and Ron..." she trailed away, her heart clenching at the thought.

"Calm down, Miss. Granger. Everything is alright. I wanted to discuss something else." she said calmly and Hermione let out an audible breath, her shoulders relaxing.

"Tea?" McGonagall offered and Hermione shook her head, managing a smile through her fading anxiety.

She noticed for the first time the two chairs placed in front of the headmistress' desk.

"What is he doing here?" She questioned, spotting the mop of platinum hair occupying one of the chairs.

"Sit down, will you?" McGonagall asked and Hermione flushed, pulling her chair and settling down. McGonagall pushed a plate of biscuits towards her and she reluctantly took one.

"Well, I was thinking of holding a dueling club," she said, scrutinizing the two of them.

"Why?" Malfoy asked before she could form the question in her head.

"The students might benefit from the additional skill."

"The last time Hogwarts held a dueling club was in second year when everyone was in danger of the heir of Slytherin and then in seventh year, to prepare everyone for the war," Malfoy said and Hermione saw him narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

McGonagall gave the briefest of smiles as if impressed by his deduction and Hermione felt an uncomfortable pull at the pit of her stomach.

"What is it now?" he asked. It was a statement more than a question and McGonagall arched an eyebrow.

"The death eaters," Hermione answered, her eyes widening slightly. The answer came to her lips easily, as if she was bursting to say it out loud.

Malfoy gave her a questioning look, which Hermione ignored.

"I'm afraid so," McGonagall replied with a somber look etched on her features.

"The lessons with Professor Lahey and now the dueling club. What's going on out there, Professor?" Hermione questioned.

From the corner of her eyes, Hermione caught Malfoy's gaze flitting towards the portrait on the wall behind, right above McGonagall's head.

Dumbledore's portrait. But it was empty.

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