03| Welcome home

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"So, you're just supposed to uselessly walk around the castle, flaunting this badge? That's your duty as a head boy?" Blaise laughed

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"So, you're just supposed to uselessly walk around the castle, flaunting this badge? That's your duty as a head boy?" Blaise laughed.

"My duty is to preside over you," Draco responded smugly.

Blaise scoffed as he pinned his prefect badge over his robes.

"I was serious," Blaise said.

"I'm supposed to make lists of duties for the prefects and then hold meetings to make sure they do those duties," Draco responded dryly, slipping his robes over his head.

"How did the meeting go?" Blaise asked, eyeing him curiously.

"Okay, I guess," Draco said as he fastened his tie around his collar, pulling it to make sure it was tight enough.

He pulled the green coin and showed it to Blaise.

"What is this?" He asked, turning the coin over in his hands.

Pansy finally looked away from the window and towards Blaise, trying to find the object in question.

"Something like the bloody DA coin," he said as he sat beside Pansy and looked at her as if trying to read her feelings.

"Why didn't we get those?" Blaise demanded.

"Maybe you're not important enough," Draco grinned importantly and Blaise snickered.

"I'm okay," Pansy said dryly, taking the coin from Blaise.

Draco reluctantly looked away although he knew she was lying as he repeated everything Slughorn had told them.

"What?" Blaise exclaimed when Draco told them about the new dorms.

Pansy just shook her head as she cast feather-light charms over their luggage and began pulling them down.

"Yeah, it has yet been the worst part of being Head Boy."

"I was looking forward to trying some new pranks on the ickle ones," Blaise pouted.

"I'll have to stay with Lovegood and McMillan and Granger," Draco said, glaring at Blaise, "and you're worried about pranks. And anyways you're a prefect. Shouldn't be pulling pranks."

"It can't be that bad," Blaise offered, ignoring Draco's last sentence completely.

"Oh, really? How about I tell McGonagall I don't want to be Head Boy and she can make you instead? I'll be perfectly content with being prefect," he said bitterly.

"I'm really sorry, Malfoy. Please don't do that," Blaise said in a fake begging voice and Draco smiled.

"Hey, look I made Pansy smile," he said enthusiastically, throwing an arm around Pansy's shoulder.

Pansy immediately covered her smile with a scowl.

"And she hasn't pushed your hand away," Draco pointed out which earned him a glare from Pansy as she immediately threw Blaise's hand away from her shoulder.

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