05| Defence against the dark arts

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Draco turned around to watch her hurry past him

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Draco turned around to watch her hurry past him.

He caught the hatred in her expression and it only made him roll his eyes.

He made a quick detour to his room, putting his defense against the dark arts book in his bag along with a roll of parchment and his quills before he rushed back outside.

He met Pansy halfway to the classroom.

"The only good thing about the bloody new arrangement is that I get to have the whole room to myself," he complained, fixing his badge on his chest.

"Grateful, as always, I see," Pansy muttered.

He rolled his eyes.

"Where's Blaise?" he asked and Pansy shrugged in response.

"Probably in one of his snogging spots," she said dryly.

"Already?" Draco exclaimed incredulously.

Pansy snickered as they walked towards the classroom and he pushed the door open.

The desks had been swept away in an unsteady stack at the back of the classroom and Professor Lahey stood at the front, taking attendance and asking everyone to give a brief introduction about themselves.

"Oh, hell, no," Draco muttered under his breath, turning away to leave but Professor Lahey's voice stopped him.

"Oh, come in, come in. Just in time," he said in a deep voice that seemed to echo around them.

Draco held back a groan.

"And who might you two be?" he questioned happily, unaware of Draco's palpable discomfort as he and Pansy joined the rest of the Slytherins at the front of the room.

"Pansy Parkinson."

"Draco Malfoy."

"Welcome to the first defense against the dark arts class of this year, Miss. Parkinson and Mr. Malfoy. I was about to tell the students a bit about myself."

Draco let out an audible sigh of relief, grateful to have skipped over his own introduction.

"There is one Blaise Zabini missing," Professor Lahey frowned and as if his words had summoned him, the door flew open and Blaise stood in the frame, panting profusely.

"Mr. Zabini, I presume?" Professor Lahey asked and Blaise gave a terse nod.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry, Professor. Headmistress McGonagall held me back. You know, prefect duties and stuff," he said with the most innocent expression he could muster.

"Very well then. Come in," Professor Lahey said, unaware of Blaise's lie.

"Now, then. Today's lesson is an interesting one. We will go down to the forbidden forest for it. Let's go, then, shall we?" he grinned excitedly.

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