02| The train ride

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Hermione managed to find Ginny and Luna without much difficulty, considering the crowd lingering in the halls

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Hermione managed to find Ginny and Luna without much difficulty, considering the crowd lingering in the halls.

The mop of red with shining blond wasn't easy to miss.

"Excuse me," she called, squeezing herself through a blur of yellow and red while trying not to trip over some long, trailing cloaks.

"Ginny," Hermione called, a little annoyed at being left behind.

The crowd was unusually disorganized and rude this year, Hermione noticed.

People were being shoved around so hard that some kids were falling, shouts of 'make way' and 'get out of there' echoing around her.

Even though she didn't wanted to, Hermione felt the fear and panic surrounding her, especially among the younger students.

She tried to ignore the fiasco until she couldn't.

She took a deep breath and composed herself. She was going to handle the mess.

"Hey, listen, everyone," she shouted over the din and a sudden hush fell over the train.

She felt the heat rush to her neck as uncountable pair of eyes turned toward her.

She pushed back the nervousness and yanked open the glass door to her right. It was empty. Hermione resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the groups of students fighting over compartments.

Fear made people do stupid things.

"Let first years through," she called and the crowd obediently parted to allow a bunch of little kids to pass.

"Make a group of six and get inside," she called and saw tiny, apprehensive faces looking up at her.

"Go on," she said, this time with a softer tone and a smile.

The effect was immediate. Their little shoulders relaxed and they slipped inside quietly.

"Micheal," Hermione called. "Can you see if the compartment next to you is empty?" she asked.

He nodded, sliding the door open but then closed it again.

He then reached towards the next one and called, "This one's empty. Send the remaining kids here."

The crowd parted and the rest of the first years scuffled away.

"Now I hope the rest of you can find your own compartments," she said and the crowd dispersed, looking a little ashamed.

"What was that?" Neville asked as he made his way towards her.

"Neville!" Hermione exclaimed, jogging towards him before throwing her arms around his neck.

"Hey," he grinned.

"That was absolutely wonderful," he laughed, referring to the little show Hermione had just pulled.

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