Chapter 2 - The Rest Of The Sleepover

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~ Kaminari Perspective ~

I rattled Kirishima's door handle. Locked. 

"What the fuck is wrong with shitty hair?" Bakugo asked. 

I shrugged. I pressed my ear up against the door. The sound of choked sobs reached my ears. Kirishima was crying?! The sound of it pierced my heart. It made me want to cry. I had to get in there. Did he like me? No... I had a boyfriend. He must have a crush on Bakugo. That's why he was so red whenever he was around. I held my hand out to Mina. Understanding, she handed me one of her emergency bobby pins. I may not be smart, but I know how to pick a lock.

~ Kirishima Perspective ~ 

I heard someone picking the lock on my door. I quickly splashed cold water on my face to get rid of the puffy eyes. I wiped the excess water off and ran over to my bed, pretending nothing had happened. My door handle turned and my door flew open. Everyone stood there. Matching looks of concern on their face. Kami in the front. He walked into my room. Kami noticed me, whispered something to the rest of the squad and quickly closed the door. I caught an apologetic look from Izumi before Kami locked my door again. He turned to face me.

"What's up Kiribro?" he asked me.

"Nothing! Everything is fine!" I told him with a smile, my voice cracking on fine.

"No, it's not. Yeah, I'm an idiot. But only in class. I know when one of my friends is hurting. What's up?" Kami sat beside me on my bed and put his small arm around my broad shoulders. The small gesture sent me to tears again. 

"I knew it. What's wrong bro? I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." he said. Putting his head on my shoulder. I covered my face with my hands. Two people already knew... and I can trust Kami. I lowered my hands

"I've liked Bakugo for a long time now... but the way he just kissed you so easily, like he didn't even care about me-" I made a choked sound

"Hey! Manliest man! That was a dare! It meant nothing ok?" Kami whispered to me. I wiped my tears away and I put my arm around his waist. Hugging him back.

"That's my Kirishima! Now come on. Everyone's watching Smile. I do not want to miss that." he said, standing. I stood with him and walked out of my room. Closing the door behind me. We walked in silence back to Mina's room. Just before Kami opened the door, I grabbed the sleeve of his pikachu onesie.

"I don't want anyone else to know about my crush. I'm not good at lying... can you lie for me?" I ask him quietly.

"I was going to anyways bro. I get it." Kami said, giving me the softest smile that healed a part of my cracked heart. Kaminari opened the door.

Sero sat on the floor, frowning and tracing shapes on the floor in front of him. Mina was lying on her bed with her head In Izumi's lap. Izumi played with her hair absent mindedly, looking solemnly at the roof. Bakugo leaned against the wall glaring out the window. His arms crossed over his chest. 

"Hey guys! We're back! Kiri had to hurl. Something didn't sit well at lunch we think." Kami said smiling. I let out a huge sigh. I did say I didn't feel good. Kaminari was getting smarter.  Mina and Izumi looked at me. Mina sat up and smiled. Izumi didn't. She didn't glare either. Just looked at me. Sero smiled at me and patted the floor next to him. Bakugo looked at me. In his eyes he looked upset and concerned. Those emotions were quickly replaced by an emotionless wall. 

"We're gonna watch Smile. Kami, Kiri, come sit here and here." Sero said, patting the left of him then the right. I sat on the right side of Sero a smile plastered on my face. My jealousy wouldn't effect anyone else's night. I made sure not to look anywhere near Bakugo for the rest of the night. I didn't think I'd be able to handle it.

~ Kaminari's perspective ~ 

I didn't pry further about Kiri's crush. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, or awkward, or that it was wrong to like men. 


We ended up watching the movie at 4:30, so basically none of us slept. Smile left me shaking and jumping at every small sound or movement. That movie was terrifying. I couldn't help but notice that Kirishima had the same smile all night. Not his genuine happy one, but one that felt like someone took a marker and drew it on his face. I got the sense that Bakugo saw it too. I felt bad about my decision not to tell Kiri about what Bakugo had told me yesterday,

I like shitty hair. You can't change, do, or say anything. Got it dumbass?

I chuckled to myself while eating breakfast. Thank god it was Saturday. I had an idea. I needed to find Yoshida. I searched the dorms for her until I found her in her room. She was punching and kicking a punching bag. It looked like she was winning this fight by a lot...

"Hey!" I called to her. Making sure I didn't step a toe into her room. 

"What's up Pikachu?" she asked not even looking at me.

"So. Bakugo likes Kiri. Kiri likes Bakugo. How are we gonna get them together?" I told her. 

"WHAT?!" Izumi sent a crazy strong kick into the punching bag. Sending it flying across her room. She spun around, grabbed a cooling towel and her water bottle. She approached me while taking a long drink of her water. She stopped drinking her water and closed the bottle. She used her towel to wipe the sweat off her face then she tossed both of them onto her bed. 

"My plan is; you tell Bakugo, "this is a way to see if Kiri likes you. I'll pretend to like you and then in three days I'll ask you out. You have to say yes if you want to know if he likes you" I'll get Mina to do the same for Kiri. So you two will be flirting with them and you'll both ask them out in three days. They'll both see that they like each other." she said. I barely absorbed what she had to say. She scribbled something on a paper and told me to say it to Bakugo. 

"Sounds like a plan." we both said, grinning.

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