Chapter 13 - I love you too

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~ Kirishima Perspective ~

My arms are pretty scraped up. So many cuts, but they aren't deep. Bakugo took my hand and led me out of the LOV base. I looked up to the sky and drank in the feel of fresh air in my lungs. The whole squad stuck around me in a square. Bakugo to my right, Kami to my left, Izumi and Mina behind me, and Sero in front. Mina and Izumi were chatting happily. I smiled and clenched my boyfriend's hand. He clenched my hand back. 

My smile widened even more when we got back to the UA gates. Sero pushed them open in confidence. All of us wore matching smiles on our faces. We walked further to the dorms. We stood outside while Sero ran in to get everyone. My stomach sank and on impulse I dropped Bakugo's hand.

He growled beside me and grabbed him back. God I loved him. Sero came back with all of 2A and Aizawa. Everyone looked so sad. A few had tears on their faces. 

Shinso saw me and his mouth fell open. I looked over at Kami. 

"Go. Go announce to the world that you don't plan to let him go." I told Kami, looking over at him and smiling. I saw a couple news reporters by Mr. Aizawa. I waved at the camera then pointed at Kami. I watched the camera swerve to him. Kami took a slow step forward then ran right to Shinso, he jumped into his arms. I watched Shinso tear up. 

They collapsed to the ground. Hugging and crying. They broke apart. 

"A whole year. We've been dating Toshi, and neither of us died." Kami whispered. The courtyard was so silent everyone could hear it. Shinso stood and helped Kami stand. Shinso pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it to Kami. Kaminari covered his mouth with his hands. 

"A promise. I know we're young, which is why I promise when we're older." Shinso said. His voice loud and clear.

I watched Kaminari. He smiled and threw his arms around Shinso's neck. 

"Yes!" Kaminari kissed him. I heard whooping from the entire class. Mr. Aizawa smiled. They broke apart and put the promise rings on each other. 

"Not to interrupt, but can we point out the fact that Kirishima's alive?" Todoroki piped up from behind Midoriya. Bakugo explained the quirk that made a clone of me. Everyone was happy, but no one prodded. Everyone went silent whe Tsuyu and Uraraka attacked Mina with hugs. Mina grinned.

"Can I say it?" she asked. Tsuyu and Uraraka smiled at her and nodded. 

"Everyone meet my girlfriends!" Mina squealed. I was shocked. This was turning into a whole confession thing. I watched Momo drag Jiro out of the crowd of students still by the dorm doors. I watched the cameras turn away from Mina, Tsuyu, and Uraraka. They went straight to Momo and Jiro. Everyone's eyes were now on them. Momo stopped and mumbled sumething to Jiro. Jiro spun Momo around and dipped her like in a dance. They kissed. 

More cheers. Suddenly Todoroki picked up Midoriya from behind and walked out of the group. The cameras once again turned to the new duo. Midoriya turned red. I smiled. I knew about this one. Midoriya spun sround in Todoroki's grip and pulled Todoroki's face up to his. They kissed. The cheer for this one was even bigger. I watched something invisible tug Ojiro from the group.

Everyone went silent once again. We all watched as somehow, Hagakure turned visible. She had long blond hair and a round face. She was very pretty. Hagakure grabbed Ojiro's face and kissed him. Everyone screamed. I felt Bakugo tug me a bit closer to him. Again, everyone went silent. I looked at the other members of the Bakusquad. 

Sero was grinning, standing next to Izumi. Izumi smiled happily at me. Mina nodded her head at me. Kami gave me two thumbs up then pointed at his promise ring and made a goofy happy face. 

"All these bastards confessed their love so. I thought I'd just do the best job." Bakugo said. I looked at him. He gave me a small smile. One that I knew was special for me. I put my bruised and cut hands on the sides of his face. Bakugo wrapped his arms around my torso. He ran a hand through my hair, which was down. Bakugo kissed me. 

The class and news reporters went wild. We kept kissing and I grinned into it. We stopped the gentle kiss and broke apart. Bakugo looked at me. His red eyes breaking down his emotionless wall. I saw his love for me in his eyes. Just like in the LOV base we touched foreheads. 

All the new couples and the trio were interviewed. Bakugo answered all the questions for us. I stood behind him and admired my beautiful blond boyfriend.

"And what are you going to do about him staring at your ass?" one of the female reporters asked, grinning and jutting her chin towards me. Bakugo turned to look at me. I looked up at him and smiled, embarrassed.

"He can stare all he wants." he told her. I laughed. 


Because there's never a rest for heroes, we had school the next day. I didn't get to go though. My arms were so beat up. Recovery girl had told be that there was a fracture in my forearm. Part of the bone had broken off and was going to cause serious damage if it wasn't removed. I told her I didn't want her to use her quirk, I wanted the scar for a memory. I was sent into surgery to get it out. 

I woke to the sound of the heart monitor beating a steady pulse. I opened my eyes. I felt that my hair was still down some of it tickled my face. I looked down at my arms. They were both bandaged all the way up to my shoulders. Recovery Girl had clearly seen my cut from Toga down my chest, because she wrapped it up too. 

I looked around and my eye caught on Bakugo. He looked so worried? Why? I patted the bed beside me and he crawled onto my bed, instead of beside me, he sat on my lap straddling my waist. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him. I took his face in my hands. 

"You fucking scared me Ejiro." he said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Don't cry you're gonna make me cry!" I told him. I laughed as tears streamed down my cheeks too.

"I was scared that you weren't gonna wake up because I wasn't fucking told about your dumb surgery!" he whispered. I laughed.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." he told me.

" he told me

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