Chapter 5 - Secret What?!

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I couldn't help it. I laughed. Aizawa looked at me. He wasn't joking?!

"That's a good one Aizawa Sir." I laugh nervously. Mic shakes his head at me.

"He is our child. Don't ask how. Toshi figured it out already and we think he's avoiding us." Aizawa said looking at the ground. I offered to help them by talking to him and they thanked me.

"One question though..." I ask, Aizawa nods for me to continue "how long was I out?"

Aizawa chuckles a little bit. 

"Two hours mate. You didn't miss much. Recovery girl says you're free to leave whenever you wake up." Mic answers grinning.


~ Shinso Perspective ~

I walked to the elevator and walked to the kitchen. Everyone went to visit Kirishima. It seemed as if Kaminari cared more about him then my boyfriend did about me. I got to the kitchen and made myself another coffee. What was with everyone keeping things from me? My teachers didn't tell me I was their kid. Midoriya told everyone else about his crush on Todoroki but me. I heard footsteps just as I reached the elevator. A huge weight rammed into me and wrapped it's arms around me. 

"TOSHIIIIII!" he yelled. The elevator door closed and I was stuck with my Pikachu. I turned around to hug my boyfriend back.

"Hey." I mumbled. Kissing the top of his golden head. Kaminari looked up at me and smiled. It broke my heart to think that seconds ago I was just thinking about how he loved Kirishima more then me. I kissed my little Pikachu. He kissed me back. I felt hot tears run down my face. We had reached the top floor so I broke the kiss and stepped out of his hug. 

"Toshi-" I closed the elevator door on him. 

"I'm sorry."


"I love you." I whispered. The doors closed fully and he rode the elevator back down. How I know? Because I forced him with my quirk. I clenched my hands into fists.

It's a lie. Everything is a lie. Mic, Aizawa, they don't love you. Kami? He loves Kirishima. No one in 2A talks to you because you're meant to be a villian. You're stupid and unworthy of anything anyone could offer you. People all around the globe hate you because of the sports festival. Mineta got put in 1A and not you because even he was better. YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.

I walked up the single flight of stairs to the roof.

~ Kaminari Perspective ~

As soon as I reached the main floor Shinso's trance spell thingie wore off. I repeatedly pressed the top button. 

"Come on come onnnnnn, just wait Toshi I'm coming!!" I yelled. floor one, two, three, four, five. The doors opened I bolted out and threw open the door to his room. He wasn't there. My stomach dropped and my heart sank. He's on the roof. I ran up the stairs two at a time and threw open the door. Shinso stood on the edge, smiling and waiting. 

"HITOSHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled tears streaming from my eyes. 

"I wanted to wait for you so I could have your face as the last thing I see. I love you Denki Kaminari. I'll see you soon." he said. Shinso smiled at me, closed his eyes, and jumped. 

I screamed.

~ Kirishima Perspective ~

I walked back to the dorms with Sero, Mina, and Izumi. Kami had run ahead to talk with Shinso. As we approached the buiding I heard Kaminari yelling.

"HITOSHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I looked up. Shinso stood on the edge of the roof.

"What's he doing?!" Sero yelled, running over to the building. I watched Shinso tip over the edge. 

"NO!" I heard Kami scream. I watched Shinso fall. Faster. Faster. Sero wasn't going to catch him. My body moved on it's own. I bolted. Shinso was only a few meters away from the ground. I threw myself towards him. My knees hit the ground. I stretched my arms out.

The impact of his weight send me rolling so I could absorb the shock. I used my quirk to protect us both. We rolled to a stop and I looked down at the boy in my arms. He was bleeding from a deep gash in his face. His arm looked broken. But he was breathing. 

I caught him.

~ Sero Perspective ~

I watched Kiri catch him. I ran over to them. Shinso looked pretty beat up and Kirishima had some of his blood on him. Kiri got to his feet.

"Is he okay?" I asked him kneeling down to Shinso and taking his pulse.

"He's still breathing. That's what matters." Kirishima said, panting hard. He picked Shinso up, bridal style and began walking back to Recovery Girls's office. I told the girls to stay back and tell Kami that Shinso was okay and we were taking him to Recovery Girl. I ran to catch up with Kiri.


~ Aizawa Perspective ~ 

I opened the door of my office to find that one of my students, Hanata Sero had practically broken it down. 

"Mr. Aizawa... Sir... we found Shinso." he panted. I perked up.

"Good. Can you tell him to come see me?" I asked Sero, reaching to close my door again. I really needed a nap...

"No Sir... he's uh... not in the state to talk right now. He kinda just jumped off the roof of the dorms?" Sero told me. His eyes apologetic. I practically shoved him aside as I sprinted to Recovery Girl. I threw open the door to see another one of my students, Ejiro Kirishima gently lay my son down on the medical bed. I ran over him.

"Hitoshi?" I choked his name out. He was bleeding from a cut on his head. The blood stained his purple hair. His arm was twisted beside him and looked broken. He was unconscious, but breathing. I sat down beside him. I knew that if Kirishima had been the one carrying him, it meant that he'd probably saved his life.

"Thank you. Ejiro. Hanata. Tell the class I'll have All Might sub for me and Mic tomorrow." I whispered. Kirishima and Sero left the room. I took Hitoshi's unbroken arm and held his hand in mine. I felt for his pulse and was grateful it was steady. I heard the door slam open and I twisted around to see one of my favorite students Denki Kaminari enter.

"T- Toshi." he said. Kaminari didn't even get two steps into the room before he broke down. He fell to his knees and began to sob. I let go of my son's hand and stood up. I walked over to Kaminari. I knelt down and hugged him. For a moment he tensed, then he loosened and hugged me back.

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