Chapter 3 - The Beginning Of The Plan

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~ Bakugo Perspective ~

Dunce face told me about this thing he called the plan. He was going to flirt with and get all touchy with me for two days then on the third he was going to ask me on a date. I was going to say yes. Then we see what Kirishima does. So. I was not excited about this. 

"Okay that's it Bakugo. So, I'm gonna start flirting with you today, that way on Tuesday I'll ask you to go out with me." Pikachu said with a grin.

"Tch. Whatever Dunce face." I growled.  The Pikachu smiled at me and skipped off. I finished my breakfast and went back to my dorm to get dressed. On the way there, the most terrifying sight met my eyes. Iida was kissing Uraraka.

"Ew. roundface, four eyes. Go to your fucking room." I grumbled, stalking past them to get to my dorm. I heard Iida stutter and I smirked to myself as I walked further. I took the elevator back up to the fourth floor. I walked out quickly, not wanting to be spotted by shitty hair or raccoon eyes. I reached my door, threw it open, and slammed it shut. I grabbed a shirt from one of my drawers, and sweatpants from another. I stripped off my pajama pants. As I was sliding my shirt over my head, the door opened. I threw my shirt the rest of the way off and spun around to see shitty hair. He was dressed and fully ready for the day, his hair spiked up and everything.

"What do you want shitty hair?" I said, allowing my temper to take over from here. I crossed my arms as he blushed a deep red. 

"I- uh. I... I." he stuttered looking everywhere except me. 

"You've seen me in my underwear before shitty hair. Why is it so awkward now?" I asked him grinning.

"I don't know- I'll uh, let you get dressed." he said. He spun on his heel and hurried to close the door behind him. I sighed. I threw on the black sweatpants, and my skull shirt that I almost always wear. I walked out of my room and to my disappointment, shitty hair had left.

~ KIrishima Perspective ~

I panted, breathing hard from running to the boys bathroom. Why was Bakugo made with so many muscles... and the fact that I had to see him in his underwear proved it. It wasn't just a crush. I loved the man. I groaned in frustration and punched the wall. Splitting my knuckles as I did so.

"You okay Kirishima-kun?" I jumped at the voice and turned to see Midoriya. He was obviously here to shower. 

"Yep! All good!" I smiled at the green haired boy. 

"Yeah, I was watching you pace for quite a bit there, before you punched that wall... something's up." he smiled back at me.

"Yeah... just an irritating-" I hesitated. As long as he didn't know who it is, It'll be fine right? "crush"

"Oh! Well I know how that feels. I- I like Todoroki-kun and I doubt he likes me back. Do you like Todoroki-kun too?"


"You... like me?" a voice whispered. 


"Oh! Uh, hey Todoroki." Midoriya said. Todoroki walked over to Midoriya. He stopped half a foot away from him.

"Do you like me, Midoriya?" he asked.

"Well, I mean, ifyouputitintoexacttermsthennyeahIlikeyoubutIdon'treallythinkyoulikemeto-" Midoriya rambled. Todoroki cut him off. By kissing him.

 Midoriya's eyes went wide before he melted into it. This felt like I wasn't supposed to be here so I snuck away. I couldn't get the image out of my head, it made Midoriya me, and Bakugo Todoroki.I was so focused on that image, I didn't even see him. I ran directly into a hard chest. I began to fall backwards but strong arms caught me. I looked up and-

"Watch where you're walking Kir- shitty hair." Bakugo said.

I turned red. Did he almost say my name? I stood up, righted myself and ran my hands upwards through my hair.  Bakugo stomped away. I heard wolf whistling and I looked over to the couch. Mina, Kami, and Izumi were whistling and grinning. I ran over to them.

"S-shut up!" I mumbled.

"Nice moves man! You literally fell for Bakugo!" Kami said, laughing.

"Oh! That reminds me. Kiri, I'm going to flirt with you for two days, on the third I'm going to ask you out and you're going to say yes. If Bakugo get's jealous, he likes you." Mina said. I nodded, eager to see if he liked me back.


I walked to the elevator from my room and I went back down to the common area. I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. I heard laughter from the kitchen so I got up to see what was going on. 

I froze when I saw Kami and Bakugo. Bakugo had an arm around Kami's waist and Kami was trying to reach his baseball cap wchich was in Bakugo's other hand. 

"Give it ba- oh! Hey Kiri!" Kami said, he spun around to see me. Bakugo gave kami the hat, but his other hand stayed on Kami's waist. Both were happily smiling.

 I smiled at them and walked back to the couch. I sat down, closed my eyes and zoned out, focusing on trying not to cry.

I felt several hands shaking me. For some reason I couldn't move. I couldn't hear anything. I felt myself pulled on to someone's lap. Under my head. A pounding hearbeat. A vibrating chest. They were talking. I heard a faint voice and strained myself to hear it.

"Kirishi... can..." I tried to say yes but my mouth wouldn't move. What was happening?

"Recovery girl... hospital...right Might." I focused on the voice. It slowly got louder and louder until I could hear. I felt two fingers press against my neck.

"He's got a pulse. Kirishima, if you can hear me move any part of your body." the voice said. I tried to move my enitre body but I wouldn't move. Instead, I focused on my hand. I cleched my hand into a fist.

"Look! Mr. Aizawa! His hand!" a higher voice screeched, sounded like Mina.

A hand gently picked up my slightly clenched fist. I unclenched it.

"Okay. Can you open your eyes? Open them if yes, stay still if no." Mr. Aizawa said. I tried to open my eyes. No luck. So I stayed still. 

"Oh. Another one of those LOV rascals hit another student with their quirk? Naughty naughty." I heard recovery girl's voice.

"Can you help him?" Mr. Aizawa asked her. I still felt the person I was laying on's breathing. They weren't talking anymore, I wanted badly to know who I was laying on.


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