Chapter 12 - Revenge

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I heard the TV. Pros were shouting. Recovery Girl was there. The stream cut off. I cried in my friends's arms. when the tears stopped coming, they were replaced with anger. I stood up. Despite my friends's objections to stay. Anger drove me. I felt Aizawa's scarf snake around my waist again. I sent an explosion at it and it broke. I walked out of the dorms. I walked to where the scene was. I noticed all the pros were scrambling around. 


Find the LOV. 

Kill all of them.

I walked and walked until I found a certain someone walking around alone in an alleyway. Dabi was whistling as he walked. I tackled him. We rolled around a bit until I had him pinned.

"Why?!" I asked him. My voice a choked whisper. He looked at me and laughed. 

"Look who fell for it." he said. I was confused for a minute before he glitched and left a small navy blue ball behind. I picked up the ball, confused. Must've been someone's quirk. I tucked it into my pocket and noticed a building I hadn't noticed before. A perfect criminal hideout. I heard voices behind me.

"Bakugo!" one of them called. I turned around. It was Dunce face. With him was Tape arms, Energy freak, and Raccoon eyes. 

"Don't try to stop me." I said. Ugh. I sounded just like a revenge movie.

"Why would we stop you? We loved Kiri too. Not as much as you... but still!" Tape arms said. I grinned. 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some villain ass." I said.

~ Izumi Perspective ~

We kicked down the door to the creepy sketch building. Bakugo signaled for all of us to be silent so I didn't say a word. We reached another door. I heard the flipping of cards.

"So, he's dead?" a voice asked. I rolled my eyes. Of course we found their stupid hideout.

"Yeah. Killing a clone as a clone isn't easy though." a different voice responded. My jaw dropped. Was Kirishima still alive? I looked at Bakugo. His grin widened. He aimed his hands at the door and blew it open. Shigaraki, Mr. Compress, Kurogiri, Dabi, and two other men I didn't recognize were on the other side. We all went into fighting stance. Bakugo lunged at Dabi, one of the other boys jumped to Dabi's side. Quickly taking him into battle. Sero jumped in and caught up Mr. Compress. Mina took on Kurogiri and one of the other men. I looked around. Was there another room? Was Kirishima here? My eyes stopped on a corner of the room. 

Kirishima was slumped against the wall. He was tied up and his mouth was taped. I quickly put up multiple energy cages around all the villains. They stopped trying to fight, recognizing my energy walls. I grinned at them. I heard a sigh and Kurogiri slipped out of his cell. Damn. I forgot he was the hardest match for me. I sent a kick at him but he just used a warp gate to make me kick myself. I got a little dizzy and the world began to swim.

~ Sero Perspective ~

I stopped trying to infuriate Mr. Compress. I looked over at Izumi. She took her own kick to the head. Kurogiri wasn't playing nice. I looked around. Somehow, on the counter, there were quirk cancelling cuffs. I grabbed them. 

"Izumi! Catch!" I called out to her. Throwing the cuffs. Her dizziness seemed to evaporate as she caught the cuffs and quickly slid them on Kurogiri. His quirk stopped working and he fell to the ground in exhaustion. Izumi made sure to enforce her cages and I ran over to Bakugo. He was crouched beside what looked like-


~ Bakugo perspective ~ 

I figured it out pretty quickly. Once I had taken Dabi out, the other guy pulled out a red ball similar to the blue one in my pocket. He made eye contact with me. I fell into this dark space and he tried to tackle me. I guessed it was his quirk, so I fought him. Using light, I blinded him. I brought myself back to reality. I made sure to avoid his eyes from then on.

"It's your quirk isn't it?" I asked him, as I knelt by shitty hair.

"Yep. Sure is. My quirk allows me to take a copy of others's memories then make a clone of them. That clone can live, breathe, and die. We killed the clone on TV." he said, I could practically hear the grin on his face. I ripped the tape of shitty hair's face. He didn't move. I lifted his cuffed hands and then dropped it. It fell fast which meant that he was unconscious. I looked over at the other guy I didn't recognize. 

"And you're the one with the fainting quirk." I said. Grinning. He nodded. 

"Release him or I'll explode your ass into next year." I growled, approaching his energy cage. He raised his hands up in the air, like he was surrendering. I heard a gasp behind me and turned to find shitty hair, sitting up. He was glaring at the two villains I didn't know. I ran over to him and untied his feet first so he could stand.

Scotch tape immediately took off the cuffs and shitty hair rubbed his wrists. He stalked over to the guy with the memory clone copy quirk and flipped him the bird.

"Fuck you. Never, EVER. Come near me or my friends again. He'll blow up your ass." he said. I grinned, threatening him with tiny explosions from my hand. He raised his hands up in the air the way the other guy did. I looked around at everyone. Pikachu was breathing heavily. He ran over to shitty hair and hugged him. Tape face ran over and joined the hug, the three of them laughing. Izumi was busy keeping the energy cages in check. Raccoon eyes was looking at shitty hair as if he were a ghost. Damn it, I probably was too. 

Pikachu and Scotch tape stopped hugging him.

"I'm so happy you're not dead!" the phone charger said, wiping tears off his face. 

"Don't overcomplicate things. Just say you're glad he's alive." Soy sauce said also grinning. Shitty hair laughed. Raccoon eyes took a hesitant step towards shitty hair. 

"Kirishima?" she asked, her voice cracked. Shitty hair smiled and held his arms out to her. She barreled into him and hugged him. Happy tears escaped from her eyes and she laughed. I watched everyone move to the side, making a path for me to walk to Shitty hair. I walked up to him slowly. 

I stopped in front of him.

"You used fucking first name basis on TV you goddamn idiot." I told him. Shitty hair began to explain himself, he didn't even get a word out before I kissed him.

We stopped kissing and Shitty hair smiled. 

"WE are official." he told me. I leaned my forehead towards his and we just let our foreheads touch. I took his hands in mine and smiled.

"Look! I didn't even have to do anything!" 

"Way to ruin a moment energy freak." I grumbled. 

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