Chapter 6 - New Plan...

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~ Kirishima Perspective ~

I walked back to the dorms with Sero. We walked in silence. Shinso deserved that much. I didn't understand why he would want to kill himself...halfway back, Kami bolted past us. I felt bad for him. He's been in the middle of all this crazy drama this whole time. He has almost no one to comfort him. I made a mental note to talk to him about it later. 

We walked into the dorms. All of 2A sat in silence around the couches. Every person blaming themselves for what happened. Bakugo broke the silence. 

"Jumping off that goddamn roof was his fucking choice. No one was going to be able to stop him so stop blaming yourselves and fucking do something about it." he said. I forgot how much I loved him. 

"Yeah... " Mina said. She slid closer to me and put her hand on my thigh. I was about to shove her off until I remembered the plan.I put an arm around her shoulders and I watched Bakugo's eyes widen. 

Mina leaned over and buried her face in my neck. I almost screamed when Bakugo's eyes turned murderous. He got out of his seat across from Mina and I and stalked over to us. Bakugo shoved her away from me. 

"Kiribabe! Call off your guard dog." damn. Mina was a good actress.

"Bakugo. Stop it. it's fine." I said, pushing him away. Mina looked satisfied and scooted back close to me. Mina gently grabbed my chin with her pink hand, forcing me to look at her. 

"Play along." she whispered. I didn't have time to respond before she kissed me.

~ Bakugo's Perspective ~

I watched raccoon eyes kiss shitty hair. I felt my rage bubble up inside me. I didn't hear what she said to him but when she kissed him, he looked surprised for a moment. Then he accepted it. And. Kissed. Her. Back. I didn't try to break them apart again. I clearly wasn't enough for him. Dunce face's plan backfired. Shitty hair didn't even have a care in the world about how I felt. I grumbled a goodnight to everyone and stalked up to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it as soon as I got there.

I sat down at my desk and looked at the bakusquad photos. Finally, finding one where Mina looked stupid, I zoomed in, screenshoted it, and printed it. I put the picture of her on my wall and I threw darts at her face until I fell asleep. A single tear fell down my face.

~ Sero Perspective ~ 

I knew about Bakugo's crush. It was obvious. The moment Bakugo left, Kiri and Mina broke apart. Kiri mumbled something about needing the bathroom and never came back. I sighed and began to walk to my dorm. Mina called out to me and I stopped.

"Sero... I- I think I like Kiri." she said. I sighed.

"No shit." I walked away. Not looking back. I heard muffled yelling, but I didn't turn around.

~ Kirishima Perspective ~

I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out repeatedly. Mina had tried to use tongue, but I kept my mouth shut the entire time. 

Does Bakugo like you? Or just protective? Does he hate you for kissing her back? Everyone's probably mad at me now. God I hope no one comes in here...

I spat out the foam from the toothpaste and rinsed my toothbrush. I put it away and walked out of the bathroom to the elevator. 

"Hey! Hold the door!" great. I sighed and let the door stay open for Mina. She slipped through the door and pressed the close button. The doors closed and Mina started to laugh. A laugh that wasn't hers...

"Mina?" I asked, reaching for her shoulder. Her  body shuddered and a grey fluid fell out of her body. I jumped back against the wall. A girl, about the same height as Mina appeared from the grey liquid. She had ash blonde hair in two buns and her clothes looked like a school uniform from a different school. 

"Hmmmm, I need more blood..." she mumbled, her voice high. It sent shivers down my spine. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Ejiro Kirishima right?" she said. Still smiling. I noticed she had two fangs where her canines were supposed to be. I recognized her. Himiko Toga. From the LOV. I swallowed hard. 


Toga took out a knife and smashed it into the control panel of the elevator. It stopped moving. She stepped towards me.

"You'll be prettier when you bleed Ejiro~" she said in a singsong voice. Toga lunged at me. Knife first. I used my quirk on my arm to stop her. 

"Oh! A hardening quirk. That makes things a little harder. Don't worry Ejiro. You'll still bleed." she said. 

"HEY! GUYS! I'M IN THE ELEVATOR! HEL-" Toga lunged at me and I blocked her again. It went back and forth for a bit before I heard people land on the elevator. 

"Finally!" I called out. I reached up and sliced the roof of the elevator with my quirk. Toga looked up too. Smiling. I took that as my chance to tackle her. We rolled on the floor until I had her pinned beneath me. Her knife skittered away from us.

"Oh Ejiro, you have the same scent as me~ do you like someone too?" I looked down at her and frowned. I heard people land inside the elevator.

"What took you guys so long?" I ask over my shoulder. Not looking away from the grinning Toga. I heard a deep chuckle.

"Well done." I heard a deep voice say. I recognized that voice. Before I had time to activate my quirk and protect myself, something hit me over the head. Black obscured my vision.

~ Bakugo Perspective ~

I heard muffled yelling from outside my room. I groaned and got up. I dragged myself over to the door and threw it open. I looked around and saw that the elevator doors had been dented and forced open. I ran over and looked down the shaft. I couldn't see anything. The yelling was more clear now. 

"HEY! GUYS! IM IN THE ELEVATOR! HEL-" the voice was shitty hair. I walked back to my dorm confused. Two figures ran past me. I recognized them as the LOV villians. Dabi and Mr. Compress. I reached out to grab them, but they jumped down the elevator shaft. 

Shit. They were after Kirishima.

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