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The drive over to Master's house was very long. I made sure to keep quiet and far away from him after he forced a kiss on me. Like really what was that even for? As the car pulls in front of the house I looked up in awe. In front of me was a three story manison. I could see a few gardeners out working. I wonder what job he'll have me do. As i think this Master turns and looks at me

"Well welcome to your new home."

He smirked at me like he knew a secret and I didn't. I just nod my head as I slide out of the car. Master and I walked up the stairs were there stood a group of maids and a butler. They all smiled as Master walks by. When I enter the mansion my mouth dropped open. The place was beautiful. High ceilings, amazingly beautiful paintings and statues lined the walls. I followed Master down the halls just looking at all the beauty there was. Master turns and looks at me.

"What is your name?"

I stop and glance up at him. "Why should I have to tell you my name but you won't tell me yours?!" I shout as I  glare at him. Master smirks then walks closer to me.

"It seems you need to learn your place"
I walk backwards trying to stay away from him. I soon feel the wall behind me. Master is now right in front of me.

"Maybe I should show you your place"

He grabs my arm and pulls he with him. "What are you doing let go of me!" I try removing his hand from my arm but his grip just tightens. Master throws open a door and inside is a master bedroom which I took as being Master's bedroom. He tosses me on the bed then leans over me pinning my arms over my head. I try moving, tossing and wiggling my body to get free of him. "Let go of me you pervert!" Master smirks at my comment

"Well if you think I'm a pervert then I'll show you what a pervert does"

He loosen his tie sliding it off his neck. He then wraps it around my wrist tieing it tightly. He leans down and whispers in my ear

"Let the fun begin"

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