The next day

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I slowly open my eyes to a light shining in my eyes.

Ugh what could it be? Does he what something else from me?

As my eyes focus I seen the morning light shining through the curtains signaling it was a new day. As my mind races with memories of last night I realized I must of fallen asleep on the floor yet when I looked down I seen I was wrapped up in blankets on the bed.

Did he put me here? Why would he even do this? I'm just his play thing, a toy at the most.

As I layed looking up at the cieling I soon realized that I would have to see Master face soon. Just the thought of having to look that monster in the face filled me with anger and fear. Sighing I move out of the warmth of the blankets moving to the edge of the bed.

What was I suppose to even wear it's not like I have clothes with me

Suddenly my head turns to the direction of the bathroom in the room. The sound of water running filled my ears. There was only one person who I knew that could be and soon I was proven right as Master stood in the door frame of the bathroom.

"Ah your awake I see. I was beginning to worry about you."

I keep quiet knowing if I dear speak I wouldn't be sure of what came out of my mouth. I just looked down hugging myself and wondering why this couldn't of been a terrible nightmare and I just woke back up at my house, but sadly I'm force to realize this is my new life.

Master watches me, studying my every move, which really starts to make me nervous and a little awkward.

"Jason look at me"

I ignored him. Why should I give him the right of obeying him?

Master clenches his jaw as he continues to watch me.

"I said look at me Jason!"

My body begins to shake as I lift my head, eyes landing on the monster I'm force to call Master


Master smirks from my attitude. Like why wouldn't I have an attitude? I have ever right to have one.

Master walks closer to me, each step closer my heart sank deeper and deeper and I stared into his deep blue eyes. It's like I was drawn to them unable to look away. Master tilts my head up as he leans down

"If you don't want a repeat of last night then lose the attitude"

He pats me cheek as my mouth hangs open and I'm filled with anger, losing all fear

" I have a right to have a attitude you monster! Who wouldn't after what you did to me last night! Your just a low life monster that rapes boys like me! "

I soon regretted what I said. As Master eyes were filled with rage. Oh I really done it now. I try scooting back away from him, desperate to get away from him. Master grabs my ankle pulling me back down "No!" I yelled. I can't let him get me so easily. I grabbed a pillow and looked at it. Really this is the only thing here to use as a weapon? Ugh even though I know I won't win, I'll for sure at least not make this easy for him!

I clench the pillow tightly in my hands and with as much force as I had in me I started hitting Master as hard as possible with the pillow which really didn't do much.

As I keeped my eyes closed trying as hard to fight him off the room is suddenly filled with laughter. My eyes open and I'm surprised from the sight in front of me.

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