Bath Time

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What? Is he laughing? Slowly I open my eyes, peaking my head over the pillow. There I seen Master dual over laughing. Great now he laughing at me! Ugh I knew I should of looked for something better.

"You really are something else aren't you?"

What? I glance up now noticing Master was inches away from my face "Oh um...your....well..." I literally did a mental face plant. Really why?! This just isn't my day.

"It seen I made you speechless. Though I wish it was from stealing a kiss from your lips"

"WELL TO BAD! YOUR NOT EVER GOING TO GET THAT CHANCE!" I pushed the pillow into his face to keep the distance between us. How can he still be like this after last night?! As last night rush back into my mind, the pain does as well. Ah my whole body hurt! No thanks to that monster!
With every movement I quench in pain, closing my eyes wishing to just have the pain and memories disappear.

My body feels as if it is floating, gliding through the air...wait how is that even possible?! I open my eyes seeing I'm no longer on the bed but in Master's arms "PUT ME DOWN NOW! I DONT WANT TO BE TOUCHED BY YOU" I looked up at him but he just ignored me. Well ruded! If he trys anything on me I will fight him. I'm mean of course he is a lot stronger then me but if I find the right item I could maybe fight him off. It's better then letting him rape me! Wait why is he carrying me to the bathroom?

As Master carries me inside the bathroom my mouth drops open. A bathtub that looks like a small pool or hottub sit off to one side. Lovely paintings covering the walls each with the theme of relaxation. A glass Shower in one side of the corner and I'm guessing then the small room attached is where the toilet is. Who would known a bathroom could be so amazing beautiful Seriously?! I'm thinking about how great a bathroom is right now?! What has happened to me now. This man has done horrible stuff to me yet all I think about is how lovely a bathroom is! I can't believe this!


My eyes widen as water was poured over my head. I was so lost in taught, I never noticed when Master set me in the tub. A soft sigh escape from my lips as I felt the warmth of the water around me. It's so relaxing. And there even bath bubbles! Yes! I leaned back against the tub as I rest my head on the head rest. I felt safe. One because the water was relaxing to my sore body and two cause Master couldn't sneak up behind me. I glanced over at him to see what he was doing since it was so quiet. He is staring at me. I raised my eyebrows as I look back at him "Stop staring at me it's creepy!"

Master flashes me a soft smile "But you seem so happy and relax I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"Well you don't have to watch me. So just get out!" I pointed to the door of the bathroom, waiting for him to leave. Master looks at my as if he was debating with himself before stand up and walking to the bathroom door. "If you need anything just yell" He then walks out closing the door behind him. Finally I'm alone! Now my chance to escape! I look around with excitement looking for a window to free me from this nightmare. WAIT WHAT?! NO WINDOWS! Ugh this is just my luck. But I guess all I can do now is just think of a way out of here

I snuggled down more into the warmth of the water. The lovely scent feeling my nose. Vanilla. I smiled to my self as I relaxed, closing my eyes. Maybe for now I can just relax.

"It vanilla, your favorite"

I screamed as I looked over to my side and seen Master crouched down beside me against the side of the tub "When did you get in here?" I glanced over at the door and seen it was wide open. How did I not here him come in?

"Make room"

"Make ro...HEY WAIT!" I screamed as I tried to stop him but now it seems it a bath for two people. How did I not see this coming? I need to put a bell on him just to hear him.

"Gosh you really do have such an amazing, beautiful body"

I glared at Master "I SWEAR IF YOU TRY ANYTHING I WILL HIT YOU AND MAKE THAT HANDSOME FACE OF YOURS RUIN!" I moved as far away as possible which really wasn't that far. This tub is so small with two people in it. AND WHY DO I HAVE TO TAKE A BATH WITH HIM?! WELL THERE GOES ANY CHANCE OF ME RELAXING!

"So you think my face is handsome? Then maybe I should lean in closer so you can get a good look"

I felt my cheeks burn as I knew a blush was running across my cheeks "DONT YOU DARE! YOUR NOT HANDSOME AND STAY AWAY!"

Master smiles "Did I make you blush Jason cause I pointed out you think I'm handsome?"

"SHUT UP!" I cover my ears trying to block him out, which turned to be a big mistake. Master grabbed me by my arms and pulls me in closer sealing the distance between us by kissing my lips. HE IS KISSING ME! I'm so shocked my arms feel as if they went limp. I couldn't move my head away, I was frozen.

"Awe did my kiss surprised you?" Master smiles as he turns me around and cuddles me against his chest. I'm going to wipe that smile off your face! It seems this bath turned from alone time to cuddle time. Ugh when can I get out?

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