A Sea of Thieves

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About 15 minutes later, Jack and Edith arrive at the edges of the streets and houses of Port Royal. Even from a distance, they could see smoke rising up above the city and fires kindling at various places. Now, after getting closer, the occasional scream still pierces the air, even after the attackers have gone.

Bracing herself, Edith follows Jack further into the city, both of them sticking to the shadows. After an attack like this, people may not have the best reaction to seeing someone with Jack's visage.

"Jesus Mary and Joseph." Edith mutters, lookig at the around her. People are running around, many trying to extinguish the fires enveloping their homes. Bodies line the streets, guards, pirates, civilians, and it is hard to tell which will state that way, and which are about to regain consciousness and wake up to a nightmare.

"Aye, the methods of the Pearl have changed somewhat since they tossed me overboard." Jack acknowledges, readjusting his hat and keeping his sight set forward, only occasionally glancing around. Edith mostly sticks close to him, apart from when she sees something of use lying around. Turning a corner, she spots a pistol next to the body of a man who has a nasty-looking red spot on his shirt, likely from the bloody seeping into it. Concluding that the poor fellow most likely won't need it anymore, Edith stalks over to him, grabbing the pistol and checking whether it has any ammo, before tucking it behind the waistband of her trousers.

In much the same manner, she manages to acquire a small, slightly-rusted dagger and a pouch with a few coins. Nothing much, but it will suffice for now.

"Ye appear to be embracing the life of a pirate quite well, love." says Jack, eyeing the items Edith's managed to 'commandeer' with a smirk tugging at his lips.

Edith looks down at herself, unsure at first how to feel. He's right, she did jump into the role rather fast. In fact, the events of the last twenty-four hours have all felt more natural than almost anything she's done in her short lifetime.

Maybe uncle was right, maybe there is only salt and seaweed in my head.

"I do want to ask ye, your uncle mentioned your old man a fair amount. He a pirate?" Jack asks, while signalling at Edith to keep going.

" Yes, a hanged one." Edith answers.

"Ah." Jack's step falters for a second, before continuing. "Nasty business, hangings. That is the first advice I would give ye, love. Avoid the gallows."

"I will keep that in mind." Edith answers, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Invaluable piece of advice, Captain.

As they cross a small junction between 3 streets, Edith realises suddenly the familiarity of her surroundings. Instinctively looking down the street to the right, she spots the now singed hanging sign:

'Sailor's Maiden', the characteristic, busty woman holding a pint now left with only half her skirt intact.


Jack halts, turning around. "Aye?"

"Can we stop over there for a second?" she nods her head in the direction of the tavern.

Jack chuckles. "I do love a good drink meself, love, but I'm not quite sure now is the time."

Edith shakes her head, chuckling. "Nono, not for drinks. I live there, in a small back room. I'd like to check whether there is anything left of it. There is a thing or two I would like to take with me."

"Alright then, ye lead the way." Jack agrees, Edith giving him a grateful nod before trotting over to the damaged building. Fortunately, there aren't too many people here. The closer they've been getting to the sea, the less populated the streets. Almost everyone must've run away as far inland as possible when the Pearl struck, and haven't yet returned.

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