Precious Cargo

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After an hour, or perhaps two, possibly three, but most definitely not any more than that, the Captain lightly suggested to his ever-expanding crew that it may be time to retire. Jack seemed to surprise even himself when he, out of all people, was the one to propose that they finish up the drinking and move to the rooms he had rented for them while they were still walking and seeing straight. To be fair, he hadn't quite counted on young William and Edith to get so enamoured with the Faithful Bride, and all she had to offer.

Jack and Mister Gibbs invited their two companions to join them at the table for more drinks shortly after finalising their plan of action. As soon as they let them know that they would be putting together a proper crew tomorrow, and that they had the rest of the night off, Edith could no longer restrain her curiosity and asked Mister Gibbs if he would care to share any of his tales from the seas.

Now, to anyone who may not have known Joshamee Gibbs, there was nothing the burly man loved more than sipping on a respectable volume of alcohol, while telling stories of his adventures; particularly to someone who looked on him with the degree of wonder that Edith did. Even Jack, whose initial reaction to Miss Smith's request was a subtle gesture to halt before it's too late and they all end up prisoner of the veteran sailor's storytelling, couldn't help but sit back contently when seeing the awe in her eyes. Those same eyes that, now that he thought about it, uncannily resembled the ocean's water at dusk.

William also stuck around for as long as Master Gibbs was retelling his adventures as a boatswain and quartermaster in the Royal Navy, seeming fairly intrigued by them himself.

''Aye, young missy. Was even first mate on two voyages, then I left the service of the Crown. '' Gibbs continued to tell his tales.

''Why?'' Edith asked.

''Ye see, before that, I kept with the brig most of all, and then the rest of the lower crew, but seein' those Captains and higher officers in their fancy uniforms, meself now next to them - what hogwash they do while the rest break in half scrubbin' the deck day and night...'' Master Gibbs shook his head and took another hefty gulp of his ale, washing down the anger that clearly still lingered. ''Wasnae gonna be a part of that.''

Edith nodded in understanding. Master Gibbs' testimony was not much of a surprise to her. It was in fact well in line with why she never even attempted to work for the Royal Navy herself, in any capacity, despite living in Port Royal and helping out at the docks most of her time.

''Tell me about your pirate days then!'' She happily switched the topic, taking a drink from her own pint, though not as vigorously as the men.

Mister Gibbs laughed heartily and slammed his fist onto the table, causing some of the drink in their pints to slosh around like the seas themselves in a raging storm. Around them, the Faithful Bride (the irony of the name no longer lost on Edith with all the 'escorts' moving about) was packed with all manner of characters; from pirates to prostitutes, old friends and new acquaintances, brawling drunkards, and plenty more.

''That I can do, missy!'' Gibbs looked over at the Captain. ''Ye know what Jack, I'm startin' to like this young lady here!''

The Captain smirked at his friend in response, before his eyes settled on Edith for a moment. ''What's not to like, eh?''

Though Edith heard the comment loud and clear, and could see the Captain looking over at her in her periphery, she did not dare meet his eyes. She could feel that her cheeks had turned rosy anyway, so she pretended not to notice, doing her best to refocus on Master Gibbs and hoping he would commence another story as soon as possible. If only she had known this was by far not the first time the Captain had stolen a glance at her throughout the evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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