Chapter 17

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Yoongi started driving towards the airport. He was driving at a very high speed followed by the guards. Soon he saw Tae's car and sped up more. He took over Tae's car and stopped his car in front of his. Tae pressed the break with a jerk. He was startled and cursed, "What the fuck? Who the hell is this?"

The door of the car opened in front of him revealing Yoongi. He walked to Tae's car and opened Tae's side door. He yelled, "COME OUT OF THE CAR!"

Tae flinched and slowly got out of the car. Yoongi asked Tae in a scary voice, "Where are you going?" Tae didn't answer. "TELL ME", asked Yoongi.

"Hyung, please don't get mad. I-i am g-going to meet her", replied Tae. After hearing this, Yoongi lost his calm and slapped Tae very hardly on his left cheek. "I told you not to keep any kind of connection with her. YOU CAN'T MEET HER", shouted Yoongi.

"Why? Why can't I meet her? I want to meet her and I am going", said Tae in a little loud voice. "I am warning you last time Tae. You are not going to meet her and now sit in my car. We are going back home. Understood?", said Yoongi.

"Hyung, she is leaving Korea. I want to meet her last time. Please hyung let me go. Please", said Tae. "You will not listen right. I know how to make you listen then. Tae, get in my car right now. Otherwise I swear I will lock you up in your room for the rest of your life and believe me I am not joking. I can do it and you know that", said Yoongi while gritting his teeth.

"Hyung, please I need only 10 mins. I promise I will not take a single second more, I swear. Please let me go hyung", requested Tae. Yoongi suddenly shouted, "SHUT UP!", and held Tae's wrist harshly and started dragging him to his car. Tae jerked his hand from Yoongi's grip and ran back towards his car. He immediatly started his car and reversed it. Yoongi was too stunned. He was now even more frustated.

Tae started going backwards but got blocked by the guards. He turned his car to the front again and started driving but again got blocked by another car of the guards. One of the guard came and opened his car door and pulled him out of the car.

"Leave me!", Tae struggled in his grip. The guard made Tae stand in front of Yoongi and left him. Yoongi held Tae's chin tightly and said in a scary deep voice, "You shouldn't have done this. Now sit in my car quietly."

Yoongi left Tae's chin harshly. Tae started going towards Yoongi's car quietly but suddenly Tae yelled, "Sorry hyung", then he started running away. Tae thought he can get away from Yoongi but freezed on the spot after he heard a gunshot. Just after that, he heard Yoongi saying, "Better stop there."

Tae turned around and saw Yoongi holding a gun pointing at him. Tae just got freezed. Yoongi went near him and slapped him hard. Tae fell down on the ground. Yoongi bent down to his level and held his chin and said, "You have so many guts to disobey me, huh? Nobody can disobey me. Do you know who I am?"

Tae didn't replied. He was just staring at Yoongi with his eyes widened. He was too shocked to react. Yoongi again spoke, "I am the mafia king. Most dangerous and ruthless person to be known and you dared to disobey me." Yoongi's eyes turned red and he has already lost his temper. He was not in his senses now.

"HOW DARE YOU? HUHH?", Yoongi yelled suddenly. Tae flinched badly this time and tears started flowing down his eyes. Tae was not able to process that his brother is a dangerous mafia. Yoongi then stood up and pointed his gun towards Tae. He fired four bullets one after the another on the ground besides where Tae was lying.

Tae was terrified would be an understatement. He flinched badly everytime Yoongi fired a bullet. He covered his ears with his hands being terrified. He curled up there on the road while covering his ears with his hands. He heard Yoongi saying, "Just thank your god that you are my brother, otherwise you want to know what happens to people who don't listen to me, huh?"

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