Chapter 70

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With Tae, in his room

Tae entered in his room and went to the washroom directly. He washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror and spoke, "Your Kook is hurt because of you. You literally forget him. He always craved for a little time from us and we are not even able to give him that too. Kim Taehyung, shame on you."

He clenched the wash-basin tightly and looked at himself in the mirror intensely. He in his mind, "I have to do something. I have to make him feel that we are always there for him. He matters to us the most."

He quickly wiped his face and went back to his room. He opened the cupboard and crouched down a little and pulled out a box from the lower shelf of the cupboard. He sat there on the floor and opened the box. He pulled out a small soft ball from the box and looked at it and smiled.

"Hyungie, catch this", said little Kook. "Don't throw it much away", said little Tae.

Kook threw the ball and it fell into the lake. They both gasped and Tae said, "Kook, what you did?" Jungkook ran towards the lake and said, "My ball.... I will get it back."

He started going closer to the lake. Suddenly someone picked him up in air. He looked at the person and thrashed his hands here and there and spoke, "Hyungie leave me... I will get the ball back."

Yoongi spoke, "Do you want to get drown into the lake for a ball, huh?" Jungkook start sobbing and said, "I want my ball back."

Yoongi held him in his arms protectively and spoke, "I will get it back. If you want anything, tell hyungie. I will get everything for you." Jungkook wiped his tears cutely and nodded his head.

Yoongi put him down and entered into the lake. He got him his ball back. Jungkook squealed in happiness and danced in joy and spoke, "Hyungie is best. Thank you hyungie. Love you." Yoongi smiled and ruffled his hair.

Tae smiled and put the ball back into the box. Then he pulled out a old broken gaming console from the box and mumbled, "Appa broke it in anger." He then smiled lightly remembering the day.

"What is this, huh? If Nobody says anything to you, does it mean that you will not study at all, huh?", yelled Mr. Kim.

"S-sorry Appa, I w-will do better next time", said Jungkook feeling scared. Mr. Kim yelled again, "You said the same thing last time too." Jungkook flinched and spoke, "S-sorry."

"Bring all of your games here", said Mr. Kim. Jungkook looked at his dad and spoke, "Appa please, I will study properly and will get good marks next time. Please don't take away my games, please."

"Can't you understand at once?", shouted Mr. Kim. Jungkook flinched again and was about to say something but Mr. Kim ordered a maid to bring all his games to him. The maid brought all the games and Mr. Kim picked up the game console and threw it on the ground hardly. It broke. Mrs. Kim and Yoongi came there running hearing the noises.

Jungkook started crying seeing his appa this much angry on him. Mr. Kim spoke, "You will not get any games from now on." Jungkook sobbed silently. Mrs Kim went and hugged Jungkook and said, "Don't scare him honey." Mr. Kim didn't said anything.

Yoongi went and faced his dad and spoke, "Dad, don't scold him like this. He will study properly from now on."

"Yoongi, don't come in between and you can't talk to me like this", said Mr. Kim. "I didn't said anything wrong dad. I am just saying don't scold him for some stupid marks", said Yoongi looking into his dad's eyes.

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